
Responses from tbg

James Randi vs. Anjou Pear - once and for all
Brizonbiovizier, I buy on belief as do you. Beware that it is not just significance, it is statistical significance as in is it possible that our random sample came from a population where there was no relationship between variables. What you are ... 
How international is your system?
With the weak dollar mine is getting less international all the time. I now have only one European component, the Acapella speakers. I have one Chinese component, the Shanling SCD-3000 but it is modified. I have many Acoustic Revive components whi... 
James Randi vs. Anjou Pear - once and for all
Shadorne, I certainly have known people who buy equipment given its manufacturer's name or because of bells and whistles, but most I know are indifferent to this, at least as I judge the appearance of their gear. I have no objections whatsoever to... 
James Randi vs. Anjou Pear - once and for all
Brizonbiovizier, no one needs to prove anything to someone else. We all make our own buying decisions. I my case I buy what I think sounds good. Why would you think that someone needs to prove anything to you? 
James Randi vs. Anjou Pear - once and for all
I must say that I cannot understand how someone who says all cables sound alike picks cables. Muralman1, the Mikro-Omega top interconnects have been using very thin ribbons with a clear plastic surrounds for at least ten years. They sound very neu... 
James Randi vs. Anjou Pear - once and for all
This thread makes no sense. The failure of anyone to accept the Randi challenge shows nothing except the inability to accept the methodology of the test. The fact that both sides think the method determines the result to me at least, means that th... 
Biggest Baddest Audio Cables
Billyd10, Fultons! I had Premiers in 1975 and the Gold cables. I would say the only way to find their value is on Ebay or a auction here. I imagine you would get a higher payoff on Ebay. 
Mac Laptop & Sound Cards
Ckorody, thanks. I need to talk more with John about all of this, but I suspect he must have a processor within his chassis with the big hard drives. If so, I would not be an Apple processor. Then my dilemma would be to just use it as he makes it ... 
Mac Laptop & Sound Cards
Ckorody, I thank you also. I can fully understand how I might use my Mac with music on its hard-drive and feed thru the USB port, but can you explain how a substantial external hard-drive located at the dac might be used with the Mac located elsew... 
Mac Laptop & Sound Cards
Home Theater, it is just a chassis. Although I don't have one, I thought it was pretty common usage. 
Is RIAA equalisation enough for Phono Stages?
Patrickamory, Loricraft has an inexpensive phono stage with many choices for equalization. I have not heard it, but had their standard model which was very good for the money. 
Mac Laptop & Sound Cards
Ckorody and Rbstehno, I would be using the Mac as a controller with all the storage in the HT box with a AES/EBU lead going to the dac. It is John Tucker of Exemplar, a close friend, who has this running. My question really is whether it is easier... 
Is RIAA equalisation enough for Phono Stages?
Rgordonpf, and the EMT is not cheap! 
Isolation devices and CDPs
No, Brian, I have not tried the SK Research shelves or blocks. I just looked them up. All they say is that they are made of natural wood??Would that Halcyonic bases cost as little as SK Research shelves; nobody else would be in business. 
Isolation devices and CDPs
Willster, I had been using Herbies on the tubes on my Reimyo PAT-777. After putting it on a Halcyonics, I found removing the Herbies on the WE310s were now hurting the sound. I had the same thing happen within my tube output cd players when they w...