
Responses from taters

Why can you buy a car at dealer Invoice but audio
Rhljazz,You can buy Mercedes C class and E class all day long at Invoice. Ferrari you have to pay sticker and Lamborghini you can get a small discount. You can also wheel and deal on Porsche. 
Vandersteen Amp?
Jmcgrogan 2,You are right about the manufacturers catering to the rich. For years Vandersteen focused on inexpensive speakers for the average Joe Shmoe. Now he's looking to hit home runs with 50k speakers and amps. 
Could they sell a high-end amp without the fancy
I agree with Peter S. Music reference makes great stuff without the bling factor or the bling price. 
Vandersteen Amp?
Even though you may see 200k systems on Audiogon it's not the norm. The average person probably has a 500-1000 stereo.It's the same thing if your on www.ferrarichat.com It seems like everyone is driving a Ferrari. The reality is very few people ar... 
Why can you buy a car at dealer Invoice but audio
Jmcgrogan2,How can you get 50% off when the dealers only get 40% off. This doesn't make any sense. 
Why can you buy a car at dealer Invoice but audio
Jmcgrogan2,I do know one dealer that will give me 20% but absolutely no service. Cash and carry only. If the unit is broken you will have to send it back to the manufacturer. If you don't like it to bad. If you need help with it your on your own. ... 
Why can you buy a car at dealer Invoice but audio
Jea48,It's amazing the dealers only make 40%. That means the manufacturers are making most of the money. As an example a piece that retails for 1000.00 cost the dealer 600. It probably cost the manufacturer 200.00. That's a 300% markup. It looks l... 
Another audio dealer closes his shop
Elizabeth,In the audiophile world an entry pre-amp would be about 1000.00. If you are talking mass market then 200.00 would suffice. 
Another audio dealer closes his shop
"The rich and super rich already have 3 or 4 systems" It's funny you mention that. My sister lives in Beverly Hills so I've been in quite a few houses in that area. I did not see one house with a high-end audio system. Sure some people will have h... 
Another audio dealer closes his shop
Elizabeth made a good point. With rents continually going up it's really hard to operate any kind of retail business nowadays. I know a couple of dealers in the Los Angeles area that are doing well. They both own the property and are always expand... 
Another audio dealer closes his shop
"Once you establish yourself in an audio salon they will give you 20% without asking"I have been into audio for 30 years and not one time did anyone give me 20% off without asking. Sure I have gotten discounts before but I had to play hardball wit... 
Original VPI Aries vs VPI classic 3
Macster, According to the VPI website the difference in pricebetween the classic-1 and the Aries-3 is 1200.00 and that doesn't include a tonearm. 
Original VPI Aries vs VPI classic 3
Kennyb,How much did that upgrade cost you? 
Original VPI Aries vs VPI classic 3
I was on his website but I didn't see an ultrasonic cleaning machine. 
Original VPI Aries vs VPI classic 3
If it's not worth the upgrade I'm not going to do it. It seems the dealers are the only ones telling me it would make a big difference.