
Responses from taras22

The Science of Cables
Good point...but caveatically only if the cable strictly conforms to the established LCR standards ?....cause all that other weird stuff is not theoretically robust enough ?....which hopefully means we, as purveyors of really weird cable, will not... 
The Science of Cables
What can I say, you’re Brilliant.....I’ve always said that....and incidentally just like your rocks, whose operating principle btw was used in a product that actually won an Oscar for technical achievement way back when... 
The Science of Cables
@glupson So let me get this straight, cables are generally dismissed because they are perceived to produce only incremental differences across brands, and any differences are written off as just more marketing hyperbole that can’t be believed.But ... 
The Science of Cables
@geoffkait  No, worries, you weren’t my intended target  Its all OK I was feeling guilty anyway. 
The Science of Cables
@glupson So far, jhills is in the lead. Wow, being in the lead in what is this thread’s equivalent of a Miss Congeniality contest is really not such a big whoop eh. But then I suppose given the way your team has been trashed wholesale here any win... 
The Science of Cables
@geoffkait  Buzz kill. Much sorries for whatever I did to throw such a pall across this august thread. I will from this point on dedicate my life to making sure I never ever do that again. Be aware that as I type this I am shaking at the thought... 
The Science of Cables
@elizabeth  You go on like you found THE ONE TRUE WHATEVER Well, he is talking about an idea that produces the most dramatic difference I have ever heard in the audio cables category. And which btw is definitely in the running, and may well be t... 
The Science of Cables
@rodman99999 Thank you for posting those links....and for those genuinely interested you may want to follow up on the phonon reference ( its role in electrical conductivity is pretty fascinating stuff....). 
The Science of Cables
@celanderMost excellent point. So as long as that is agreed-upon we can move on. 
The Science of Cables
Do you mean in the old school reading of the term or the more moderne urbane use of the term ?And your honour, in my defense, this wordsmithing contest as you call it , addresses, though admittedly somewhat indirectly, questions about the state of... 
The Science of Cables
@glupson I did not even have him on my mind when quoting a sentence from his post. How is this even remotely possible?. And this is truly beyond lame. Congratulations. 
The Science of Cables
@glupsonIt may be due to its incorrect written presentation. That is so lame. 
The Science of Cables
@glupson Hate to nitpick but this is definitely what you wrote (copied and pasted from your post)...spec·tac·u·lar Dictionary result for spectacular/spekˈtakyələr/adjective beautiful in a dramatic and eye-catching way. "spectacular mountain scener... 
The Science of Cables
@glupson taras22,I will take "eye-catching" as description of sound as licentia poetica.The only way those findings may be considered non-hyperbolic by more than a few Hate to nitpick but I definitely wrote "ear-catching", that being said you ca... 
The Science of Cables
@glupson "...we acted on the new information and built cable assemblies that incorporated this idea and the results produced spectacular results."Would it qualify as"Such a penchant for hyperbole"? hy·per·bo·le Dictionary result for hyperbole/hī...