
Responses from tablejockey

Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
"I want to work with the best time for everybody. Bob Levi says he will be here at 10AM. It's so blasted hot in California now it's hard to do anything during the day but stay in and listen to music. I would almost like to say 11AM so I can go ... 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
"It's official. We will do an precise level-matched A/B comparison of the ARC VSI75 and the DiaLogue Premium integrated amps. I think thats a great choice for a shootout Kevin, count me in. Since  I have the HP and have admired the VSI75 since it... 
No strain with the Strain Gauge,
ronnierocksrecords-I heard the SS Strain Gauge demoed by Peter himself. To my ears, It was VERY convincing. What made it even more impressive, the entire system WASN’T a mega buck rack and gigantic speakers.If I remember, it was a VPI HRX along wi... 
Most aesthetic classic turntable
I have always been an admirer of the Michell since the 80's.Still relavent, even with so many choices today.If I had a Gyrodec, I could easily be entertained just watching the platter spin! 
cardas speaker positioning
vair68robert-I've been aware of and  read the Cardas method years ago. Finally decided to give it a try. Glad I did. I have a better appreciation for my speakers.The speakers are sealed cabinets, so I don't know what that adds to the equation.Ther... 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
"Check your calendars if you can please. Most happy to host you. I love dinking around with gear."Kevin, Saturday-15th clear for me. Great, if this day works for everyone else willing to come. 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
Wow! I see this discussion is STILL going on.Watches? I get the "hobbyist" and "status" thing. I ride a bicycle that cost as much as a used car.At the risk of sounding like a PL fanboy, I believe there's possibly an anti "made in China" bias thing... 
Record Cleaning Mystery
give the stylus a good magic eraser cleaning.If this phenomena stills happens, you can at least eliminate there was something on the stylus attracting this mystery gunk. 
cardas speaker positioning
"As soon as I plop most guests into the sweet spot and play something familiar no explanation is necessary."m-db: same thing happens here. Then, a response such as-"it sounds better than something at Best Buy" Nothing like affirmation, especially ... 
Best type of Sub to consider?
I'm a little late to the discussion here.kennythe key- your system is stunning to look at. Undoubtably sounds good too.I think I may have commented  in another thread about your Mac 71 in the beautiful maple case. I've yet to replace  the flaking,... 
cardas speaker positioning
audioconnection- I see the 5's used at the upper end of my budget. If I decide on something in this range, those Vandy's just never appealed to me aethetically.Great sounding speakers, never heard a show setup that wasn't pleasant.Sonics are param... 
cardas speaker positioning
"...once I finish building this Pass F5 Tubro V1."Nice project there, kosst_amojan. Your Focals will sing. Your previous married experiences suggest staying single and finishing the Pass F5 project.The Cardas calculator has my speakers 5' 8" out..... 
Subwoofer for classical music listener
"Where would I attach the power cable?"rv- I'm just referring to swapping the supplied stock cable your sub came with?The cable game is contentious, so I've learned over the years to tread lightly.Personally, I've joined the camp-power cords first... 
2017 Honest Cabling that doesn’t promote bankruptcy
If you not  aware already, try the  Cable Company.Demo a handful of suggestions, and let your ears and wallet decide.I've heard great results starting with power cables. 
Subwoofer for classical music listener
rvpiano- looks like you've traveled quite far on your sub journey.Have you experimented with a power cable yet? I hear  noticeable difference when I swapped the stock cord. The "shape" of bass notes present themselves as more believable.Naturally....