
Responses from tablejockey

Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
"anyone what were the driver and gain tubes used for this comparison? I assume stock Primaluna 12au7 for both the Premium and HP?"samzx12-box stock tubes  Kevn was hesitant to use KT150.Plumbing was Nordost Heimdall II. I think speaker cables were... 
Bass distortion-Playing LP's only,,,,please help
I just finished blasting a couple of cuts from  a couple of bass heavy records on my VPIClassic /ART9 at a level I NEVER use-2-3:00 o'clock. Just comparing what I heard during a demo of the exact model amp  at a dealers.Cant imagine what the cause... 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
"But I do agree that listening over a much longer period of time would show more of the minute differences in these fine integrated amps."Hello pokey77-these amps were so close, that to REALLY discern the differences IMHO,I need to hear just 3-5 s... 
Has anyone compared K150 tubes and the stock EL34s in Primaluna integrated/amplifiers?
I just may try the KT150 in my HP after hearing the results of this thread. being able to use the cage however, is a negative. Maybe no big ... 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
Hey pokey!"Unblinded" Man, my memory is shot! What album is that cut on? I only have Texas Flood and Couldn't stand the Weather.As pokey has stated, everything sounded more alike than dissimilar. What's next? PL HP separates vs ARC reference? May ... 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
Thanks to Kevin for hosting an enlightening demo. Well done.I chose the PL w/KT150's as the most pleasant of the 3. All shared more similarities than differences, and I could be satisfied  with owning one of them.Oh, I do(PL HP)The PL did have mor... 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
"Level matched. Double blind too if you can figure a way to do that. I want the change from amp to amp to be instantaneous as the mind is not as sharp as people think." I agree, our minds aren't so sharp when it comes to sonic memory. If you or so... 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
Tablejockey, musicpod and fsonicsmith? "I had a customer contact me through e-mail named Mark N. Is that one of you?"Hello Kevin, Mark here. Look forward to 11:00 Saturday.Wouldn't using KT150's in the PL even things out? Ive never used the KT15... 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
"I want to work with the best time for everybody. Bob Levi says he will be here at 10AM. It's so blasted hot in California now it's hard to do anything during the day but stay in and listen to music. I would almost like to say 11AM so I can go ... 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
"It's official. We will do an precise level-matched A/B comparison of the ARC VSI75 and the DiaLogue Premium integrated amps. I think thats a great choice for a shootout Kevin, count me in. Since  I have the HP and have admired the VSI75 since it... 
No strain with the Strain Gauge,
ronnierocksrecords-I heard the SS Strain Gauge demoed by Peter himself. To my ears, It was VERY convincing. What made it even more impressive, the entire system WASN’T a mega buck rack and gigantic speakers.If I remember, it was a VPI HRX along wi... 
Most aesthetic classic turntable
I have always been an admirer of the Michell since the 80's.Still relavent, even with so many choices today.If I had a Gyrodec, I could easily be entertained just watching the platter spin! 
cardas speaker positioning
vair68robert-I've been aware of and  read the Cardas method years ago. Finally decided to give it a try. Glad I did. I have a better appreciation for my speakers.The speakers are sealed cabinets, so I don't know what that adds to the equation.Ther... 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
"Check your calendars if you can please. Most happy to host you. I love dinking around with gear."Kevin, Saturday-15th clear for me. Great, if this day works for everyone else willing to come. 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
Wow! I see this discussion is STILL going on.Watches? I get the "hobbyist" and "status" thing. I ride a bicycle that cost as much as a used car.At the risk of sounding like a PL fanboy, I believe there's possibly an anti "made in China" bias thing...