
Responses from tablejockey

Anyone going to the 2019 "The Show?"
"Scott Walker Audio had two identical rooms side by side with the duplicate systems. Neither room had any acoustical treatments. The only difference was that one room was filled with Synergistic Research’s tweaks such as HFT’s, ECT’s, Grounding Bl... 
PRIMA LUNA DIALOGUE PREMIUM - 20 minutes and then loud pop and buzzing in 1 channel
vespacraig65-Since you've switched EVERY tube, then you may have eliminated the possibliltyCall Upscale to get a referral for a shop to repair itThe suggestion of the switch on the right side will have nothing to do the problem. The amp will work ... 
PRIMA LUNA DIALOGUE PREMIUM - 20 minutes and then loud pop and buzzing in 1 channel
"Sell it now. Seems everyone else is. You see how many are for sale?" Listings on Agon,AA,USAudio-ZEROPerhaps this poster is being facetious? I've used PL products for years without problems,along with many othersHopefully, it is something simple... 
Older Electronics - When to cut bait? Your thoughts?
If you decide to go new with the PL,  you will have a different level of wow.As a PL user nearing 10years, I'm not the least bit concerned about it aging. When it does need a tune up  20-30 years from now, it will be good as new.My 53 year old Mac... 
Looking for a vintage tuner these days
Listing at your price a real antenna, and hear what the fuss is all about.Looks a little rough, but that's just the chrome finish. which just about all will have (pitting,rust) ... 
Anyone going to the 2019 "The Show?"
My sympathies to both of you.The DREADED 405 crawl. I hope the drive is uneventful.OP- are you still rocking the ART9?  I moved on, but still think it's an amazing cart.I'm hoping to hear some top of the food chain gear. SS-Strain gauge, ART1000 e... 
PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium
bluesy41-Your insights are similar to many. I’m nearing a 10 year run with PL stuff. The last 4 are with the HP. After the addition of the second HP, get your dream speakers and call it a day.You can now obsess in other areas. That’s the nice thin... 
phono preamp for Primaluna
Get the most phonostage you can afford. The Bottlhead would have been a setup.You have a nice amp. Don't compromise your tables performance. A decent tube unit can be found here.My PLHP has been in service for 4 years. 
I'm putting to rest worrying about sibilance
audioguy85-You need to play the exact record on a top notch  system to come to your conclusion. I've done it many times. There have been instances sibilance indeed, is on the pressing. The outcome can go both ways.Your gear is fine. It just isn't ... 
AT OC9/II Re-release
I see my post has a goof-I didn't spend another "grand"I went with a different brand.  
Looking for great jazz guitar recordings - any recommendations?
The suggestions for "Jazz guitarists" are all over the place. Some of them aren't "Jazz" players.Traditional Jazz recordings IMO are pre 70's. Your collection wanders in that "smooth jazz" territory which is argued to death, if it's even Jazz.I'm ... 
I'm putting to rest worrying about sibilance
Pressings will vary in quality. Before blaming the record, take that exact album an play it on a nicer table and you may not hear sibilance.I've done this, an was sadly reminded my mid fi setup simply isn't up to the task with some albums.VPI Clas... 
AT OC9/II Re-release
There has been a III for many years. used one, then jumped to the ART9. The OC9 is a great cart for the price. I heard the ART 9 as more refined overall and worth the price ... 
Music lover or audiophile?
As a music fan, the trick is to get ones system to a minimal level to satisfy the ears. When to stop, is where the madness begins.Seeing and hearing some of the "best" can be a fun experience. It's the actual music however, which stirs emotion-eve... 
the nordost blue heaven power cord
I highly recommend a power cord.Very difficult to get past the very low noise floor without one.The  Blue Heaven power cord is perfect to get an idea if the Nordost line works for your ears. It has the same build technology as the upper end line.T...