
Responses from tablejockey

Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution
Hleeid-whatever you do, speaker setup and room should be considered  as well. Since your not doing a dedicated space, there’s going to be several issues by default.You won’t know what your speakers will sound like until that’s found. 
Best place to sell an amp.
"As for the past experience with the Audiogon buyer, he came to my office offered hundreds less then what I was selling the amp for, and just kept at me for every $5 increment. Nothing wrong with that really but it was annoying."WHAT?!!!First mist... 
Air Tight PC-1 Coda and more options to upgrade my analog setup
The weak spot is plugging into a built in phono stage.$8500 for a cart seems like overkill, but it's your wallet. Maybe if you're gettting the Rega Naid for 30K AND a better phonostage?You haven't heard what your existing cart can do with a proper... 
Does anybody change their speaker placement with different types of music and bands?
Just listen thru a good headphone setup.Once you develop awarness that it really is different for EVERY recording, you'll go mad obsessing about it.Reality-you can't truly win.  
Its the recording stupid!!
Oh dear, another one of those  subjects.Since I don't a have a tape copy off the master I can play on a Studer, I settle for my AB1006. It had to be sifted thru a few other $3-5 bin buys. A stamper within a $20-30 process. Ridiculous? Yes, when "t... 
It was 50 years ago today...
I try to avoid getting nostalgic about things. Music however, is my kryptonite.Since it hits that emotional nerve, trivial stuff such as this always grab my attention.Millercarbon- The Ed Sullivan Show seemed like an event in my home. I do have va... 
It was 50 years ago today...
I'm not certain? But I do recall my older brother explaining to my mother that the second guy on the left had died.She just rolled her eyes, and put a Sinatra record on. 
Please Help Me!!
some readers just can't be helped...No, it's not a double post. 
Please Help Me!!
some readers just can't be helped... 
Please Help Me!!
You're  clearly a discerning audiophile. Look for one of these, and you can sit back and just enjoy.;_ylt=Awr9JhUlUUxdZswAeRuKnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTIyNGJpZmhoBHNlY... 
Prima Luna Integrated - EL34, KT88, KT150, Brimar AU - My experience
soundermn-That is a great price. Thankfully, I don’t have the itch to get them. Your custom cage lifters look like the do the job.It appears we also have the same CD deck. IMO, a decent cheapie that’s even better with a nice DAC.Mine doesn’t get u... 
Prima Luna Integrated - EL34, KT88, KT150, Brimar AU - My experience
Soundermn-Am I reading   correctly-8@$550?Or do you mean 4?That's a great price for 8! The only thing I don't care for is now, the tube cage doesn't fit with the 150's. 
Prima Luna Integrated - EL34, KT88, KT150, Brimar AU - My experience
As a long time owner of PL amps, always interested to read what others hear with different tubes.Like everything audio, a particular tube doesn't always have the same end result in a particular system.I have heard the KT150 many times. Nice, but 8... 
What DB level is best for judging audio equipment?
You're 57 with hearing loss?I hope you you don't have extended listening sessions at that level.I'm the same age with hearing loss AND tinnitus.It's tough to NOT crank up great music, but your ears will thank you for not doing so. 
speaker plinths
Other than it may look more aesthetically pleasing, I heard the Mapleshade planks under my floorstanders as a ZERO improvement. Perhaps if one's room had a questionable floor, it may help provide a solid foundation. When my room was redone with a ...