
Responses from tablejockey

Rega RP8 vs Clearaudio Concept
I don't know about getting platter specific. Either way, VPI is a solid option. I would be more concerned with the complete package:table/cart/phonostage.A Rega will be  more plug and play. VPI can be no fuss-after a little attention to setup. If ... 
Sonus Faber Venere S - What amp to choose? I'm at a crossroads!
"It sounds really good but I think the speakers need a little more horsepower to push them."You like what you hear., keep it.Relax...listen to music. I wouldn't get caught up in paper specs if your ears hear what they like. Classic audio nervosa s... 
Rega RP8 vs Clearaudio Concept
If you choose VPI, this is the one to get: it's within your budget, better value.Whatever you  choose, ensure you're  getting the most out of the table/cart by using the best phono amp y... 
Power Cable ~ $300 - Which to get? Nordost, Audioquest, Furutech, Shunyata, Zavfino?
A power cord that requires additional power....Irony?Lets think one step further...better wall wart.  Perhaps the aftermarket  cryo'ed MKII.NOW you're cookin.... 
Any PS Audio P5 users out there?
There are plenty of threads in the archives.Enough to keep you occupied and lose out on your deal.Best way to find out is try it. Everyone's experience will be different.That said, I picked up a used PPP, which is one of the LEAST popular models.G... 
Wait- OMG! The song is really about...?
I couldn't find any articles quoting EJ/Taupin. My understanding was some kind of tragic loss, but never gave it deeper thought.When I want  compare interpretation from other listeners, I check this site 
Your favourite Rush albums?
The Rush cover album, Feedback is a good listen. Their choice in songs are great.Eddie Cochran's "Summertime Blues" is crank worthy.MP was around  the time R&R was seriously changing. The Gods were becoming unfashionable, while  MTV was the ne... 
Your favourite Rush albums?
I was a big Rush fan up to Moving Pictures.My period presses up to Moving Pictures come out now and then. 2112 is difficult to listen to at low volume still, after 43 years.IMO Moving Pictures,if you have a clean period press, is a demo, show off ... 
Power Cable ~ $300 - Which to get? Nordost, Audioquest, Furutech, Shunyata, Zavfino?
If you decide on Nordost, the Blue Heaven has similar construction as their upper end.I use Nordost from the wall to speakers. If you put in the time, you can find decent used prices.  
Nice MM Phone Preamp to use while main unit is getting repaired?
When my phonostage had to be shipped off to be repaired, I picked up the $129.00 Schiit Mani. The performance for the money was fine. Obviously no tube magic, but convincing enough to enjoy records. I know how great the Herron is, I demoed one in ... 
Rega RP8 vs Clearaudio Concept
If you can stretch your budget, the P8 with Apheta cart,not the discontinued RP8, looks like the Rega to get.By all accounts, worth the extra dough and a "you're done" table. Put that with future best phonostage you can afford.You're out of audio ... 
Does anyone use wood for vibration control?
I'm conflicted on this one...I'm aware wood plays a part in tone for instruments. With the Mapleshade 4" under my table, couldn't hear a noticeable difference between the expensive slab and the 1" cheap  cutting board  from Target. I guess my ears... 
Please- No more Tin Pan Alley
Can we add any Diana Krall, Eagles, Dave Brubeck's "Take Five" and any current pop. This year, "The Show" is walking distance, in my neighborhood. If there is an onslaught of the above mentioned, I can at least go home and grab a few records to he... 
Besides Aja and zeppelin pressings, what others are demo level recordings?
How about simply spending time at your record store, and getting original presses of music YOU like? That may be a waste of time if you favor music after the 80's.  The digital thing becomes dominant afterwards. May as well play the CD.Lots of mus... 
Cartridge Recommendation for VPI Prime
mjb-You will potentially set yourself up for disappointment, going beyond making sure the basic setup is solid.The supplied instructions, online videos will get your Prime up to snuff for what you have. As mentioned earlier, ensure (by ear and SS ...