
Responses from tablejockey

Fosgate Signature Phono Preamp
Tube brand isn't important. Quiet tubes are.Heres some interesting reading. Note first post. Quotes from the Foz himself 
Parasound JC3+, or Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista Vinyl phonostage, or Whest Audio PS.40RDT SE
That's unfortunate.Its a cool looking piece. Just like everything else, something works great in one system, not so much in another.No tubes? Herron, Manley, Zesto...? 
Parasound JC3+, or Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista Vinyl phonostage, or Whest Audio PS.40RDT SE
w1000i-post was made in reference to MD being a dealer. I was being assumptive here, I could be wrong. 
Parasound JC3+, or Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista Vinyl phonostage, or Whest Audio PS.40RDT SE
Looks like their clearing out the Nu Vista. I've the heard the amp and phonostage. Nice Stuff. I would get one for that price. I would even try to get MD to knock a few more points off. Shoot for $2500. The Nu Vista to my ears had a SS "precise"wi... 
Fosgate Signature Phono Preamp
Wow!Nearly 10 year old thread. I was reminded I dropped in, back in 2018.Are you referring to tube rush?  Don't  expect dead silence at cranked levels, or have your ear pressed against the speaker, you're going to be disappointed.My Foz is quiet. ... 
Would you donate a dollar to have these Members Review a Product?
102 responses@$1.00= $102.00Still a ways to go, if the donation were to fund anything.Maybe a review of a fuse? 
To bi wire or not bi wire
I'm a Nordost user.If you decide on BH cables,get the Norse jumpers to compliment them.The BH power cord, might make a more noticeable impact. It uses the same design as their upscale models.Speaker cable is last on the list to upgrade according t... 
So What Is Real?
Cable may be  THE most contentious forum subject.Any threads started suggesting them not worth their claimed performance/price just invites  endless debate without resolution.I say, buy whatever pleases your ears. No point in anti cable crusades. ... 
What Would You Do with a Sealed, 1st Press Miles Davis "Kind of Blue"?
Good good ol CRC.Did everyone fulfill their required obligation buys at regular price, after the initial 1 penny per copy offer?I always wondered what the default rate was.  
Smaller PrimaLuna Integrated Owners...
Had the Prolgue 2 years ago, been using the HP for nearly 5.I always found the KT77 to be nicer sounding than the El34.Been using 6L6G as my go to sound.Pl is good stuff if you want to just enjoy music,and forget the gear madness.What's lackluster... 
New cables...
In the end, cables are like music preference.Purely subjective and personal taste. No one here can tell you what's "best"Probably the most contentious subject. 
Help me understand John Coltrane .... seriously.
Music is a feeling inside the soul. If a tune isn't grabbing your attention emotionally, without questioning  "why" you  should Ilike isn't for you.Other than maybe reading a bit of history of Classical, Jazz and Blues, it's a matter of so... 
Upgrade phenomenon
cat_doorman-I've owned a PL HP since it was introduced.  It's perfect for the non -OCD listener. You can either leave it stock, or fuss with it. It's lies right in the middle of audio nonsense. You get a healthy slice of what REALLY nice gear soun... 
Upgrade phenomenon
Speaker placement and room ARE the game changer.Novelty with new additions wear off, if you keep reading forums. AN(audio nervosa) is highly contagious reading these forums.Get your new gear/room together and just enjoy it. 
I've Just Learned What Amplfier Bias Is...
What the heck did I just read?Go to the library and pick up a analog electronics 101 book.Get an overview of electronics theory. Careful with all that audio jumbo jumbo.The only reason to be concerned with bias, is if you're thinking of playing wi...