
Responses from tablejockey

Phono's $2100 to $2600
I forgot to mention in my original post-Lyra Delos AND Nordost cable for gifts?If they were given to you by wifey, she's a keeper!I get practical and useful stuff-wallet  or a belt.. who needs that stuff? I want a Koetsu or vintage tubes or an ori... 
Phono's $2100 to $2600
pgastone-Sorry, you're on your own,as far as dissecting the differences between units.My aging ears, along with tinnitus disqualify me to give any useful help.Very subtle, to my ears if any.As mentioned, I thought they all were nice. When I did a ... 
Phono's $2100 to $2600
PL HP user here.I'm in the tube camp. I've tried the Zesto,Herron and Allnic. All nice pieces. I would include the Manley Chinook in there, since they seem to appear in the used section more often than anything else. Good prices too, close to half... 
Pat Travers fans unite!!!
I love Pat's cover of the Little Walter's "Boom Boom(out go the lights)Good rockin!Saw Pat when he was hot in the early 80's. Great live band.I will dig out the live album, call a few friends over and get the bong out. 80 excess! YES!!  
The FULL REVIEW: Inakustik’s AC-3500p power station and LS-4004 Speaker Cables
If that $3K box improves anyones system, great. That sure is a lot of case for $3k.Embarresing. I would never show anyone that picture. 
This does not bode well for us vinyl people....
No loss.I buy original presses. New music or reissues? Pass. Plenty of music to discover in my neighborhood used record stores. 
Phonostage comparisons
You can't go wrong with any of the usual suspects. Herron,Manley,Zesto,Rogue...I haven't tried the Rogue, but the 3 others. All have more in common than being different to my ears, so budget would probably be the most important factor. All will ma... 
im putting this in as many forums as i can..........
Okay, lets see how this one goes... 
Interesting study
"Used to enjoy going to the Lions drags back in my L.B. ’wasted youth’ era, just to enjoy the ’heat blast’ of the AA fuelers whip by"avsjerry-Long Beach native here. I was just too young to experience the "Golden Era" of drag racing or Lions Drag ... 
Interesting study
I'll address a few things mentioned-My first choice is Made in USA stuff but unfortunately, if we're talkin "regular" cars, they just don't compare to a Hyundai, Nissan etc. GM's cars are still behind after having plenty of time to catch up. I tra... 
Moving coil VS moving magnet/iron
The Mani is a great phono stage for the price. I’ve used one as a back up.The OC9 is nice for the price. You will get an idea what the fuss is all about, regarding MC. The II is a few bucks less, and has good reviews. I’ve used the III. Someone wi... 
Interesting study
My research reveals getting cut off, tailgated, flipped off and general aggressive behavior by P.OS. economy and compact cars outnumber any luxury or exotic sports cars.Must be a Finnish thing.Typical day in SoCal. 
Interesting study
I get a laugh from these "important studies" 
Interesting study
I forgot this link 
Anyone have experience with the Tung Sol 7581a vs. EL34, KT66, KT88, 6L6
"The GL KT88 was not as good in my setup." Interesting.I remember the 88's as dynamic in PL systems, but everyone  has different situations.I had the 77's in my HP for a bit. Great tube. I'v kept the old RCA 6L6G's   cookin in mine for a few years...