

Responses from swampwalker

B&W 800D or 802D Cosmetic Issues
At 24k price point, brand new flagship speakers should be perfect in fit and finish.No $hit! 
In Memoriam: Bobby Palkovich of Merlin Music
However, I am inclusive with several others to the tune of over 10K vested and now apparently lost. I would venture to say those critical of our observations have no skin in the game.Wrong you are, Celtic66. I've got a pair of VSM MMEs that need a... 
Is OLIVE still in business?
Check the archives. Unfortunately their customer service leaves a lot to be desired. 
need help with subwoofer setup. crossover related
Depending on the slope of the crossover, 40 hz might be just about right. 
Love / Hate relationship with vinyl?
That's good news. I have been told that cable effects can also be stepped up w an SUT so it's not clear exactly how it contributed to the hum, but who cares! Enjoy. 
Von Schweikert VR-4
I think that sounds a bit high. I'm w Loomis. 
Love / Hate relationship with vinyl?
When I move (or even touch) the cables going to my headamp, the level of hum changes.Bingo! or maybe bingo ;-) I'd try different ic's to/from the headamp and also check to see if the RCAs on the headamp are secure and properly grounded. 
Love / Hate relationship with vinyl?
First thing I would try is the MC input w the lower gain option. It may be sufficient, depending on the line stage and amp gain you have and the efficiency of your speakers. KAB has a gain calculator app that lets you input your cart voltage outpu... 
In Memoriam: Bobby Palkovich of Merlin Music
Redsfan, etc: I understand your concerns. I'm a sole proprietor of a consulting business. I get bankruptcy notices from client's business entities all of the time. I'm an unsecured creditor as will you be if Merlin goes under. I've waited for mont... 
Love / Hate relationship with vinyl?
My suggestion (no big revelation here, I know) is to look at your phono stage (which is) and see if the noise is coming from there. Also check your total system gain to see if perhaps the head-amp plus phono plus pre plus amp has too much overall ... 
In Memoriam: Bobby Palkovich of Merlin Music
Redsfan and Ssandl- "A bit disconcerting" is way more classy anf generous than your posts. Maybe you should hire a process server to drop papers on Bobby's wife at the funeral?1 
Music Servers
Don't know the answers to all of your questions, but give Neal at Sound Science a call. I'm sure he'll quickly walk you through them. Here's my (admittedly only somewhat confident) answers:Will it completely replace your MAC Book Pro- Yes.How do I... 
ARC VT-50 Damage/Repair Advice
ARC is known for being very expensive with repairs and re-tubing. Esp. re-tubing. As for getting the amp repaired with no warranty, doesn't sound like a good idea to me. As for the extent of the damage, IDK, but if ARC amps take out a resistor whe... 
Music Servers
My first MV was purchased before there were any purpose-built servers available so I can't claim to be prescient on the issue of future repairability, but since the MV is basically a music-optimized window pc/server, so any failure of the hardware... 
In Memoriam: Bobby Palkovich of Merlin Music
Oh my. How very very sad. Loved to talk to him at shows, loved his passion, loved the music he turned me on to. What a loss! My heart goes out to his family.