
Responses from stuartk

OK-- I think I get it, now...
@tooblue : "Just remember that it was the music that led you to better gear, not the other way around and you will be fine and rewarded" Words well worth keeping in mind!  @ghdprentice:  "To me, what my system does best is communicate the musi... 
OK-- I think I get it, now...
@jerryg123: Yessir-- no point in denying it, now ! @rocray: Good one! @bjesien: Excellent suggestion!        
OK-- I think I get it, now...
@ozzy: Congratulations! Just remember there are some here that will tell you (brow beat) that all amplifiers sound the same. Crazy, ain’t it… Yeah; just like "all DACs sound the same" !     @russ69: "Just be sure to enjoy the ride." You mean... 
Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II vs. Absolute Copper IC's
@dalims4 :   Yes-- that's how the A. Coppers sounded to me, when paired with my Wells Integrated  However, the Hegel has greater high end extension and is neutral, compared to the overtly warm Wells. I may still be disappointed by the A. Copper ... 
RCA interconnect recommendation
This is why I described the latter as "less than ideal".        
RCA interconnect recommendation
@decooney: I will try the Coppers by themselves, without the Lokius and with the Lokius in conjunction with the Silvers, as you've suggested. @audphile1: Well, no, as I use the Lokius with most CDs, now. It makes sense to me to demo the cable i... 
Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II vs. Absolute Copper IC's
@audphile1: Silverline SR17.5 "A more fleshed out mid-range" is a very good description of what I'm after, so your characterization is encouraging. Thanks for your input!      
RCA interconnect recommendation
@decooney:   Agreed !     The Coppers are due to arrive this Thursday.    Another wrinkle-- unfortunately, The Cable Co. only had one pair of the Coppers  in their lending library and the Schiit Lokius requires two pair of ICs ( I locate it ... 
CDP or Transport and DAC? Recomendations?
@curiousjim, ericsch:   Ah-- you didn't see my thread. . .  I found its diminutive proportions and light weight  a pain in the arse in terms of practical utility it but so far, no-one else has reported the same response. All I can conclude is t... 
Best Integrated that you've heard under $5k
FYI, there's a sealed box Hegel 390 under "New Today" for $4150.00   
Magico A5 or KEF blade 2?
@riley804: "that’s funny." @mountainsong: "lol"    I guess there's an "inside joke", here but it's not clear to me what it might be.    I've had my Silverlines for 15 years and have no complaints, especially now that  I've finally been able... 
Beautiful Music That Reduce You To Tears
Beautiful Music That Reduce You To Tears
Beautiful Music That Reduce You To Tears
Products you added to your system in 2021 that made most impact to your music enjoyment
Symposium shelves and footers were a great bang-for-buck addition but the Hegel H390 that I acquired a couple weeks ago has. without exaggeration, lifted my system to another level.