
Responses from stuartk

Protection needed for amp?
@carlsbad: Thanks very much for that detailed explanation. you bring up many points about which I was unaware.  I suspect the Hegel does have a "soft start", if the short delay between pushing the on switch and the loud click that indicates its ... 
Protection needed for amp?
@erik_squires:   Thanks so much for taking the time to provide an in-depth answer! I'll try one, if I can get one with a return policy-- I'd be very pleasantly surprised if it doesn't affect SQ. As for PG&E, don't get me started. I would s... 
Protection needed for amp?
@erik_squires:   Would something inexpensive like this work or do I need to spend more?  
Protection needed for amp?
@erik_squires: Thanks for your response. I'm sorry but it's not clear to me whether you're saying  every system needs surge protection as a general rule or whether it's particularly apropos in my case. Could you please clarify? Thanks!     @imh... 
System Changes, Better or Just Different?
I'm not familiar with your components, but have definitely had both types of experiences: 1) "gear changes" that made my system sound different but not necessarily better and 2) "upgrades" that have unambiguously improved the system. Unless a sys... 
Bigger and Better: Integrated Amplifiers
@arro222  "I just love it when someone says: "I listened to such and such and it killed the other such and such". Really? This is not a drag race" . . . more like an "Ego race", for some.   
Bigger and Better: Integrated Amplifiers
@chorus  "It does appear the Pathos less taken has made all the difference". We all agree this is a silly post but does it merit such a Frosty response?  
CD transports
@mdrone: In fact, this "rabbit hole" has been extensively discussed. Search the archives. I compared the Pro-ject CD Box RS2T transport to my Simaudio 260DT transport and in my system (Wells Majestic integrated /Silverline SR 17.5 monitors/Aqua ... 
Why spend more than $25 per piece of equipment on vibration reduction?
One possible answer: because there are more effective alternatives to Vibrapods.  You will, however, have to experiment for yourself to discover what sounds good to you, in your system and whether the results are worth the asking price.  I've tr... 
Listening without it impossible?
Perhaps Master M will have something to say about this...  
Listening without it impossible?
I don't mean to suggest this state of affairs is inevitable and inescapable, though. There are plenty of traditions and practices that are designed to bring attention back to the present moment.   
Listening without it impossible?
"If this application to audio is accurate, it indicates that what we hear and how we listen are profoundly influenced by how we talk about it, argue about it, interpret it".  Well, this doesn't just apply to audio but to every moment of our lives... 
Is Rap a valid musical form?
@atlvalet: "A lot of you old blokes are doing it wrong. You’re trying to listen to hip hop through your single ended triode amps. What trash. Get yourself an 80’s era boom box, put that on your shoulder, and strut around your retirement community... 
Is Rap a valid musical form?
@jonwatches1: Look-- when you make preposterous assertions, chances are, you'll elicit less than charitable  responses.  Could I have been more polite? Yes, but but you were already on a roll, building upon your frankly absurd comparison between... 
Is Rap a valid musical form?
"If music is defined by melody, harmony and rhythm, then somebody needs to go tell Bartok, Schoenberg, Coltrane and Thelonious Monk. Because they didn’t care about any of it"   Right. Whatever you say, chief.