
Responses from stuartk

Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II vs. Absolute Copper IC's
@mikem: Sorry for the delayed response. We've been hit hard by three feet of snow coupled with ongoing power outage and power's not projected to return until 1/7. I'm on generator and can't stay long.  Anyway, I use Audio Art speaker cable. I ha... 
Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II vs. Absolute Copper IC's
I'll try what you've suggested tomorrow and see how it sounds.   
Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II vs. Absolute Copper IC's
@soix; Yes--I will definitely try that I put the Symposium roller block Jr's. under the Hegel and this is yielding a good balance of warmth and resolution, so far.         
Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II vs. Absolute Copper IC's
The A. Copper IC's sound fairly dark in my system, so I'm experimenting with different power cords, footers and will also try combining them with a pair of the Silver Reference IC's (via the Lokius EQ). If these strategies do not pan out, I will h... 
OK-- I think I get it, now...
Hah!   Here is a summation from the designer. . .       
OK-- I think I get it, now...
@hshifi: "What I have learned about Hifi is that the amp can be very important. What is more important is the preamp. It is the heart and soul of your system" Having never owned separates, I can't comment but I'd guess Hegel would say it's all a... 
OK-- I think I get it, now...
@mahler123 : "So different strokes for for different folks" This is true among ardent audiophiles, let alone the uninitiated, no? .    
OK-- I think I get it, now...
@millercarbon: Thanks for the "reality check" !        
Like Pronouns do we have to many music genres?
The author reminds me of guitar players who refuse to learn theory because they claim it will ruin their spontaneity or other such nonsense. One of the primary values of a basic grasp of theory is that it makes communicating with other musicians m... 
OK-- I think I get it, now...
@hshifi: "Very smart purchase"   Well, it was for me anyway-- not necessarily for everyone. It's not the most detailed amp nor is it as warm as First Watt or some tube gear. My goals were improving bass control and resolution (without the unwan... 
OK-- I think I get it, now...
Happy Holidays to all !            
OK-- I think I get it, now...
@sgreg1:   What you describe, about familiar music sounding "new", is indeed what I'm experiencing with the Hegel. It's as if I got a new set of speakers as a free bonus with the Hegel. The benefits of well matched amplification and speakers are... 
OK-- I think I get it, now...
@knotscott: "There’s a certain level of realism we each need to convince our brain and ears that there’s music in the room". Yes-- and this is a lot clearer to me, now that I'm actually experiencing that sense of realism.  @erik_squires: "I'm ... 
OK-- I think I get it, now...
@sgreg1: I appreciate your thoughtful observations. This is by far the most I've ever spent on a component--- even though its open box status lowered my cost. There is a lot of discussion here about fairly pricey gear. This can lead to a feeling ... 
OK-- I think I get it, now...
@nonoise: Patience is not one of my strong points but I'm pretty good when it comes to obssession  ;o)  or, "persistence: (a less pathological term). I've had quite a few guitars in and out of my hands over the course of 45 years or so and I gue...