
Responses from stuartk

QStab NSE CD Stabilizer/ Highly Recommended for Jay's/Avatar CD Transport!
@wig  "Adding a QStab NSE will lift an unwanted (damping) weight from your music, highlighting a realm of undiscovered information to include a natural/rich tonality, low level detail, deeper/wider sound stage, better layering, tighter image focu... 
Great Rock Bassists your Top 10.Rock not Jazz. But Hey what about Reggae
Anyone mention Phil Lesh?  
Great Rock Bassists your Top 10.Rock not Jazz. But Hey what about Reggae
@tylermunns  S. Clarke has never been a favorite of mine but I'm curious: are you rejecting all of his recorded performances or his own albums, specifically?    
Songs that sound like Dylan
Steve Forbert might be a contender. . .   
Best Rock Drummers
Richie Hayward with Little Feat was a huge part of the band's sound.  Cozy Powell with Jeff Beck Group. Dallas Taylor with Manassas.            
Inexpensive headphone amplifier
Schiit Jotenheim II, if you're not wedded to tubes.  
HEADquarter Audio QStab CDM4 Stabilizer ? ? ?
@wig    Thanks-- don't know why I didn't check for a thread, myself, first. . .   
New to hobby: McIntosh D150 w/ McIntosh Amp vs. Rotel Separates
My only experience with a Rotel + B&W system was painful and very short-lived.       .   
HEADquarter Audio QStab CDM4 Stabilizer ? ? ?
@wig  Thanks for your input!  
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers
At one point I was very interested in Joseph but could not find a dealer. If any of my fellow CA audiophiles can point me to a list of dealers out here, I'd like to know, for future reference.   
The Belles Aria Signature Integrated Amplifier
@so-al  "One big plus from buying from brick and Mortar Store is that you cam take home and audition equipment before you buy. Its a tremendous advantage".  I have not found this to be common at all! In fact, it's the reason I don't patronize l... 
Art Pepper fans out there?
I enjoy A. Pepper very much but happen to prefer his earlier recordings. The Art of Pepper" and "Meets the Rhythm Section" are my favorites.   
Great Rock Bassists your Top 10.Rock not Jazz. But Hey what about Reggae
What-- no Jack Casady, Geddy Lee, Sting or John Paul Jones ?  ?  ?  You said "Rock, not Jazz" but... Jack Bruce was classically trained and most often described himself as a Jazz player.  I've heard recordings of Jaco playing Jazz and Fusion bu... 
Favorite religious song
When You Buy The Whole Album And Only Like One Song.
@bdp24  Yeah; I've read somewhere that many of the Funk Brothers considered themselves Jazz players.   Ginger Baker's roots were definitely in Jazz:   “Four drummers in my life who were my absolute heroes: Phil Seamen was the first one, Max Roa...