
Responses from stuartk

Is Rap a valid musical form?
@whipsaw: Hey-- fair's fair-- you were right and I was wrong!    
Is Rap a valid musical form?
"But let me remain sacrilegious and point out that John Mayer is a better singer, musician and songwriter than Jerry Garcia, by, like, 1000%" Sure, by all means, point out your OPINION-- we've all got 'em !    
Is Rap a valid musical form?
@whipsaw: "It's grossly inaccurate to suggest that Rap incorporates rhythm alone. Anyone who asserts that hasn't the slightest idea what they are talking about. It is true only of some Rap" You are entirely justified in calling me on my ignoran... 
Is Rap a valid musical form?
I stand by J. Garcia's comments on this topic, not because I'm m a deadhead (believe me-- I'm not) but because they make sense to me.  Garcia asserted Rap is not music because it lacks two of the three essential qualities of music-- melody and ha... 
New In 2022
...especially because I actually prefer the later, post-psychedelic material.     
Share albums where EVERY SINGLE song is good
"Records where every single song is good", according to whom?    
New In 2022
@jafant:  That Electric Lady Studio boxset sounds interesting. How would that differ from the First Ray of the New Rising Sun complication, I wonder?  My history isn't so good-- would that boxset included Band of Gypsys material ?   
Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II vs. Absolute Copper IC's
I've never tried Verastarr cables although OCD Mike did once loan me a couple DACs to try and I found him to be very honest.   
Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II vs. Absolute Copper IC's
@mclinnguy: Thanks-- that was a total surprise but after 8 days, a most welcome one!  Now, if the propane company would just deliver. . . ;o) BTW, I read up on the vdH IC's and discovered that The Cable Co. stocks them.  I will keep them in mi... 
DAC Question: Delta-Sigma vs R2R
It's only a matter of time before someone comes along and vehemently asserts, ad nauseum, that there's no difference in sound quality between "properly implemented" DACs.  PLEASE do not listen to this. Instead, listen to as many DACs as you can a... 
Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II vs. Absolute Copper IC's
I have not been able to get a remotely neutral sound out of the Absolute Copper IC's. They are incredibly dark in my system. Of course, YMMV.  The Silver Reference were brighter than I prefer with the Hegel BUT I have since changed out a power co... 
Need help choosing a new DAC
@terrapin77: In that case, I hope you love the A. Mirror  ;o)     
Need help choosing a new DAC
I own the S2 and for awhile, came close to selling it, due to an annoying "cloudiness" I heard in the system's lower mids/upper bass region. Another A'gon member had asserted this was typical of the S2. However, when I upgraded my integrated, thi... 
Need help choosing a new DAC
@terrapin77: Given your desire for "musicality", the Aqua could very well be to your liking BUT be aware that the S2 and S3 versions reputedly sound quite different!  I have not heard both but the consensus seems to be that the S3 is brighter and... 
Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II vs. Absolute Copper IC's
The storm's brought a halt to my experimenting but The Cable Co. has generously granted me an extension on the loaner cable. I will try combining the A. Copper and Silver Ref. with the Lokius, next.