

Responses from stringreen

Do Integrateds sound better than Receivers?
I'm reading these posts about all the buy/sell issues.   I bet I've spend close to a million dollars on that same quest.   If I had my youth again, I'd wait/save/then buy really good stuff.  I know someone will say, but all that really good stuff ... 
Tapping on my table
A good trick to try is to use a turnbuckle attached to the wall and cabinet...tightening the buckles.......amazingly effective. 
Doh, left system off all night
My stuff never really turns off..keeps a trickle charge running...only powers down, so that it sounds wonderful as soon as I turn it on (Ayre) 
Setup question
I have a separate 5.1 (tv) system and another 2 channel (serious music) system.  I found that to get the best of each of their strengths, they should be in different rooms. 
Idler-wheel drives
I use a VPI Superscoutmaster rim drive.....a very large disc that turns the turntable proper.  I hear a definite cleaning of the sound with the rim drive as compared to the belt drive that I used before the modification...belts have a "give"...an ... 
Tapping on my table
Edensoundaudio.com Talk to them I have never found soft rubber to help my system. (Vibrapods)..just makes it sound tubby. Bearpaws are very heavy/large brass cones -  replacements for the feet on your turntable...they are screwed/height adjustable. 
Clear Day vs Acoustic Zen
Dragon....I use ClearDay double shotgun with my all Ayre/Vandersteen system and have found them spectacularly good.  I've tried many cables but none are as truthful in my system as the ClearDays.  Only the very expensive top of the line Wireworld ... 
Tapping on my table
If footfalls bounce the arm around (impossible except for a nuclear attack or similar... with a concrete floor) you're fine for that frequency.  You're hearing things from your cabinet, because of the higher frequency.  My table is also on concret... 
What is more accurate , the fozgometer or the diplay of the oscilloscoop
Correct azimuth adjustment (via Foz) give jaw dropping results as to the mirror (or similar) method.  Rock stable imaging, wide soundstage, etc. 
Dan D'agostino classic stereo amp + Dartzeel NHB-18NS
Dan D's "factory" (2 small store fronts) are about 1/2 mile from my house.   The door's always open for a 3 min. tour. 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
Griffithds.....its quite a recommendation to hear the ART9 the equal of the Benz LPS.   The only cartridges I like better than the LPS are the Lyra Etna and Atlas.  Even the Anna doesn't do it for me the way the 2 Lyras perform. 
Seeking Suggestions on Preamp Upgrade (CJ, Aesthetix, EAR)
Can't believe no one mentioned Ayre.  (my personal fav) 
What is more accurate , the fozgometer or the diplay of the oscilloscoop
If you use the mirror method you should get a mirror that is surface silvered like that from a 35 mm  slr camera, or your image will be way off.  The foz always works for me but a new battery should be used every time. I agree re: shimming the car... 
Help, My Vandies Sizzle
Vandersteen speakers are not bright....many have described them as rolled off in the high (what they hear are the time aligned aspect of them).   You say they have a sizzle to them..... it may be a distortion you get from your tv,  refrig...or som... 
Can an old Thorens Table be "Over Dampend" to the point where sound is adversely effected?