Responses from stilljd
What are the treasures in your vinyl library? Treasures? Who knows? But changed what I listened to.From when I was younger.Dave Mason - "Is Alive" and "Dave Mason"Dead - "Europe 72", "Skull & Roses", and "Mars Hotel"Who - "Who's Next"POCO - "A Good Feeling to Know"Middle AgeREM - "Murmur"... | |
Should a good system sound bad with bad recording? I once tried to answer a post similar in context to this and really couldn't find the proper words. The exitement, involvement, and surprise brought out by a "good" recording on a well balanced system is what I want. You hear a tune you like on th... | |
Can you correct nulls with acoustic treatments. Shadorne, you're a good man. You have helped through the foolishness and learning.I think it goes something like this.... Place the 1.6's for the best soundstage coherence? Trap for standing waves and trap for quarter wave cancelations? Readjust, ... | |
Can you correct nulls with acoustic treatments. OK, this is not supposed to work with Magnepans but you have to follow the trail and see where it leads, if that makes sense. I try what is written in the Genelec sites, that Shadorne has lead me to, about positioning to avoid 1/4 wave cancelation... | |
Can you correct nulls with acoustic treatments. Shadorne,Thanks for your input again. I have read your suggested links and am trying to assimilate the info. I would like to make a couple of smart changes and not a couple of hundred dumb ones. But, to be honest, I am something of a slow study.As... | |
Can you correct nulls with acoustic treatments. Acoustat6,I have read through the Real Traps site and a lot of Ethan Winer's posts on AA. Learning a lot.Thanks,Jim S. | |
Can you correct nulls with acoustic treatments. Ngjockey,Thanks for the advice and sources. I found a couple of DIY bass traps recipes on AA posted by Jon Risch. I can afford to put together a couple of 18-20" tube replicas to test. They seem to be rather narrow range in absorption and if big e... | |
Can you correct nulls with acoustic treatments. I said I would try follow-up with the setbacks and breakthroughs. I do not know how to post the graphs in this format so I will just try to accurately describe the highlights and observations.I spent 2 days measuring under the most controlled circ... | |
The sealed LP... what is the point? It is so easy to reseal it is meaningless. | |
Is HDCD dead? Mar00 - Each to his/her own. | |
Can you correct nulls with acoustic treatments. I have discovered a new way for the CIA/FBI/DOD to coerce information from suspects. Make tham listen to test tones all day! Doing room measurements manually with a CD and RS SPL meter is agonizing and time consuming.Jim S. | |
Can you correct nulls with acoustic treatments. Per Shadornes' reco I purchased Rebecca Pidgeon, The Raven. Shadorne is absolutely correct. On "Spanish Harlem", the bass sequence cleary shows intensely audible bumps. Dumm, BOOM, BOOM, - BOOM, BOOM, Dumm, - BOOM, Dumm, Dumm. It is not subtle, no... | |
Arcam fmj cd33 I don't have enough exposure to the players in that price range to say that it is the best for the money. You may want to consider an fmj CD23. I liked the 23 better than the 33. Although I didn't get to hear them side by side, it was in the same ... | |
Can you correct nulls with acoustic treatments. Ok, I got it. To do a really serious analysis and correction, I am in way over my head and resources. But, believe it or not, what everyone has generously posted makes sense and has helped my understanding. I just don't know enough to know how to ... | |
Can you correct nulls with acoustic treatments. Onhwy61,Understand your first point. I am trying to look at trends over 20 to 30 hz. ranges. Started with the LF as it seems from previous threads that is where the largest gains for the effort come from.I was thinking about your second point last... |