
Responses from stilljd

TAS Recommended CD Tweak….
El,Yep, re-read the link with a different perspective and I understand the point. Jim 
TAS Recommended CD Tweak….
El, Shadorne, All,How much error is inherent in error correction? Error correction tries to recreate the original through mathematical prediction, but most predictive mathematical models are not perfect, just good enough for the purpose. Or is my ... 
TAS Recommended CD Tweak….
I would have to agree with Eldartford that before and after bit by bit comparison would answer the question. I would not be surprised if it did make a change. Surface texture (or polish) should make a difference in the refraction properties of the... 
Best and Worst Rock Concert Moments
SW,Glad she was alright (she was, right?). The first and only time it ever happened to me was the Allman show. You feel pretty helpless. I can't imagine how the kids at the Who show felt.I have been to a half dozen or so indoor festival seating De... 
Best and Worst Rock Concert Moments
Chad,I was and am a Cinti. concert goer'. Lucky not to have been at the Who show that night, couldn’t get tickets. Saw it on the local news and couldn't believe it. Changed shows in Cinti. forever.A couple of the best and worst - Allman Brothers p... 
Blowing Magnepans
If one of your bass panels quit, it could be a couple of things, panel wire break or crossover component failure.Delamination of the wires, or a hole in the mylar, won't stop them from playing, but you can sometimes hear the wires rattle against t... 
To stack or not to stack - limited space for amps
You should be able to hear a hum from the speakers if there is a problem with magnetic fields caused by the electronics. I can't stack anything without causing hum from the transformers picking up the field. Six inches away, and no hum.Jim S. 
Good sounding 70's live LPs...
The Grateful Dead live recordings from the era have good sound quality to my ears. But people either seem to like the Dead or to really not like the Dead. Good recordings don't matter if you hate the music.Jim S. 
'they blew'em off the stage'
Better? Memorable might be a better word for the 3 that come to mind.Peter Frampton opening for ZZ Top. Same year as the live album (I think) but in Freedom Hall, Louisville, KY.Tania Tucker opening for Lynyrd Skynyrd. Also in Louisville. She was ... 
Driven to Tears
Happens all the time. Some music is just emotional to me and can bring either joy or sadness. Along the lines of what Viridian, Mr. T, and others have said, system is secondary, although certainly enabling.Back in the late 60's or so, I remember r... 
Which test CD was this...
The Rives test cd also has the same features in music tracks toward the end.Jim S. 
Looking to modify tt - 0-ring needed
You can find large ID, small cross section, O-rings at industrial supply houses. MSC and McMaster Carr are a couple of big ones that have extensive web catalogues and they are not expensive.FWIW - These O-rings don't run very true. They are molded... 
Best solvent to clean Vibrapod marks?
If Vibrapods are sorbothane, they are a highly plasticized polyurethane, not rubber. Most polyurethanes will leech out plasticizers and oils over time. The goo will actually melt certain classes of thermoplastics. (It happens in our lab when parts... 
What does more power do for Magnepans?
Dfhaleycko,I will post impressions, but I think it would be better if I let Pal have his thread back and post to my system.I haven't had a chance to sit down and listen for long periods. Too much work!!! I didn't expect a huge difference between h... 
What does more power do for Magnepans?
El,Thanks. More coherent than I could of posted to Dan's question.Dan... I went to active biamping for a couple of reasons. The 1.6's are reputed to benefit greatly from better crossover parts. My little Arcam Alpha 10's are 100w/8ohms 170w/4ohms ...