Responses from stilljd
Potential relief for tinnitus? In my experience there is hope for those of us with tinnitus. Following a mild heart attack in 2011 I developed tinnitus. The Audiologist I saw said that the basic cause was mild hearing loss and that in his experience, although not clinically pro... | |
The best opening act you've ever seen & heard? A friend had an extra ticket to Men At Work at the Kings Island amphitheater in Mason Ohio. I had never heard of them before but the opening act was INXS. The next day I bought their first album and have been a fan of their music ever since. Jim S. | |
What % Of Your System Are Your Cables? It's around 14%, but I have an active crossover based system that needs 4 extra interconnects and two extra speaker cables. And @roadcykler, when I went active I did rewire the speakers. I am not competent enough to mess with the components. Jim... | |
Acoustic Panel Help @audiodidact I have a similar setup with 1.6's but with a little more room to the sides of a 50" plasma to the side walls which are at a 45 degree angle from the back wall. When I had a 24" CRT on a table in the middle I had very good sound sta... | |
Magnepan LRS+ resistors on the tweeters… which? pureclarity - I don't understand why the Magnepan crossover upgrade is so expensive. I converted my 1.6's to an active electronic crossover, removing the passives, rewiring to the panels to exclude the fuse, using Cardas gold plated copper binding... | |
Cincinnati's Audible Elegance Drops Naim Sorry to hear that. They lost Magnepan a while back. It's nice to have a shop in town with a variety of brands. Hope they can hang on. Jim S. | |
Active Speakers Don't Sound Better Not totally addressing the active vs. passive speaker debate, but the most dramatic improvement I have heard with my 22 year old MG 1.6's was when I added an analog active crossover gutting the passive crossovers in the speakers. Everything got be... | |
Does it have to sound good for you to like it? As an old rock and roll boomer I mostly enjoy the music even though there are some so so recordings. There are some exceptions of CD's recorded so badly that they are unlistenable. I have a CD of the Who's Who's Next which I love the songs on that... | |
Why do Wav and Flac Files Sound Different? Interesting. I wasn't aware there were different levels of compression available in FLAC. I used the default in Exact Audio Copy when I ripped to an external hard drive and don't know what setting that is. I wonder if that is why I hear difference... | |
Why do Wav and Flac Files Sound Different? When I ripped my CD collection (maybe 400 +-) to a hard drive I ripped in both FLAC and WAV. To my complete surprise I could hear a small difference in sound on playback. The FLAC files sounded a little more laid back. Could be how the streamer, a... | |
Am I wasting money on the theory of Bi-amping? I experimented with bi-amping Magnapan 1'6's with two Arcam Alpha 10's. I really couldn't hear a difference. I went the next step and added a Bryston 10B active crossover removing the passive crossovers with a custom speaker terminal. Huge differe... | |
Does Bi-amping really make a difference in sound? I have tried both passive and active bi-amping with Magnepan 1.6's. It was an experiment to learn more about audio. It took several months of research, over a year of shopping for another amp and electronic crossover at the right price just to giv... | |
Active Crossovers - What really works? "What really works"? All I can speak to is my setup. I removed the passive crossovers from MG 1.6's, rewired them with new terminals, and inserted a Bryston 10B between the pre and two stereo amps.Pro - Everything musical improved dramatically. I ... | |
New Magnepan 1.7 Ben,Can't speak directly to the 1.7's as I have not heard them. But I can speak from my experience with 1.6's I have had for 8 years.Break in - very long. At least a month of almost 24/7 at various levels. Accoustic and Female vocals - play very n... | |
Crossovers, why so few options? Eldartford,Nice to talk to you again. You're correct about Maggies and the assymetrical slopes and frequencies. The Bryston gives just enough adjustability to pretty closely match the stock settings and experiment a little with different combinati... |