
Responses from stevecham

To Vandersteen or not to Vandersteen
I had the 2 Sigs and now have Thiel 2.4s which are much more dynamic and present with a much more stable image. Good for you for choosing time and phase coherent designs! 
help me "face the music"?
Buy Fidelia software rip your CDs, get a decent DAC and be happy. 
Which component is most responsible?
Speakers, and for me only those that are time and phase coherent, which means Thiel, Vandersteen, Dunlavy, Meadowlark. 
Need a Volume Pot Bypass Walkthrough
Sorry but that doesn't make any sense and you will permanently devalue your gear. Get a stand alone power amp instead. 
PS Audio Power Plant Premier Issue
Have you tried unplugging and resetting it? 
Best Rock Album in 2013
Ditto Clockwork Angels - one the finest rock albums ever. A future classic for sure. 
worse entertainer or performer of all time??
Tiny Tim 
Upgrade from an original HRT Music Streamer II
I had an MS-II and then got the HD version which is considerably more detailed and smooth. 
Best Cartridge for my system, MC or MM ??
I have an almost broken in Ortofon Black that is almost as detailed and full bodied as my Lyra Delos I use on a separate table. It tracks wonderfully with its Shibata stylus and I also run it through tubes. Alternatively, the Ortofon Bronze has th... 
Problems with Mapleshade cables
I disagree that the RCA looks like a two year old made , c'mon. 
Buying A Cartridge Direct From Japan
Thank you I had not considered that problem. 
Cartridge Skips Beginning of Record
The problem is with the arm rest. Fix it. 
Buying A Cartridge Direct From Japan
I see no advantages, other than a pricing one, for buying from japan directly. Case in point: I had a Shelter 501 mk2 that I had purchased in the US, and then on a business trip to Tokyo picked up another as a back up in the Akihabara district fro... 
Tube rolling 12AX7As
I too like the JJ 803S having tried all the current 12AX7 and several NOS versions; nicely detailed with great staging and warmth. Not etched or strident at all, great textured bass too. Preferred over current Genalex version IMHO. 
The future of preamps
One way or another, there has to be sufficient gain to go from line level, or phono cartridge level, to eventually be able to drive loudspeakers, such that any stages prior to the final power amp gain stage should be considered as preamp. So, in m...