
Responses from stevecham

What preamp between Burmester and Krell?
What are you amp and speakers? 
Vandersteen 5A or Sonus Faber Stradivari Homage
Excellent choice!!! 
Is a tube phono better than ss?
I have been back and forth on owning tube or solid state phono preamps for aseverla years now and conclude that my personal tastes indicate that I much prefer a tubed phono pre over a solid state version. Smooth, grain free and midrange sweetness ... 
MOG to shut down, replaced by Beats Music
Wow, and I just cancelled my Pandora account in order to start using MOG instead. So, yet again, another "once happy" customer is now disappointed.Must have been a licensing issue. 
Rush fans on the board ??
Oh c'mon, really. They are making and playing some of their most accomplished music ever these days. PW, while a fine classic Rush album, is not the end all, be all record they ever made. 
Manley Steelhead V2 as pre-amp
I use it with my DAC and cdp via a Skipjack and it is a fine sounding a transparent preamp. Of course with either TT one MM and MC it is the cat's whiskers. 
EAR 834 standard vs Deluxe
My understanding was that some of the components' quality of the Deluxe version was a bit higher grade. 
Lp labels that are cool, nostalgic?
I always liked the original two-tone Atco label that I had on Disraeli Gears and Wheels of Fire, it looked so cool going round on the table. Why they changed to the all yellow version around 1970 I do not know. Maybe Ahmet Erdogan thought they wer... 
Turntable upgrade, tweaks, or stay put?
I had an MM7 and once I changed out the stock Goldring for a Lyra Delos, this TT came alive. The MM7 is good enough that it will respond to and take advantage of an upgrade of cartridge. Recently, I bought an Ortofon 2M Black MM cart and this is a... 
Solving the THIEL CS 5i's - vs- CS 7.2 Debate
The CS6s were reported to be Jim's favorite speakers I can hear why. I have owned a pair now for ten years, and reluctantly have to offer them for sale due to a downsize. They are dynamic, smooth and extended, but beyond that, they conveyed all th... 
Anti-Cables speaker cable impressions:
Mapleshade single or double Helix, I have both. After ownning and demoing most of the major manufactureres over the years, including Audioquest, Tara Labs, Harmonic Technologies and others, Mapleshade has all the coherence and detail I could ever ... 
Vandersteen 5A or Sonus Faber Stradivari Homage
Apples to oranges: The 5As are time and phase coherent with a bass response to 20Hz. The Sonus Fabers are neither of these. For me, the choice of Vandersteen over Sonus Faber would be easy. 
Amp suggestions
If you have balanced outputs from your preamp my Krell FPB 400 cx is for sale at less than your price range. Superb amp. 
Rega Planar P25 question
RB600 was the stock tonearm that came with the P25. 
Phono Cartridge advice
Either cartridge would seem to be a good choice; having said that I have no experience with the Dynavector but I do own the Ortofon Black and, after a listening session last night with audiobuds, and with that cartridge finally fully broken in, th...