
Responses from stevecham

Another phono cartridge question
I don't know about "best" but one of the finer carts that has a removable stylus is the Ortofon 2M Black. In fact that whole 2M line is remarkable. I have Red and a Black and the Red, though not the same sonic picture as the Black, makes great music. 
VPI Aries/JMW 10/Lyra Delos -- Phono preamp rec?
We're so close on this one...I have an Aries II, JMW 10.5 and Delos and I simply love the sound (as do my local fellow audio buds) with my Manley Chinook, after having owned EAR 834P and Aesthetix Rhea phono stages previously. The Chinook is, by f... 
Meadowlark Kestrel question?
I had Kestrel IIs for a couple of years, and even though I never tried them with SE amps, they were very efficient and easy to drive. My sense is that they would sound great in such a set up. Most listening is done with a single watt or less. 
Long cables from turntable or phono stage
If the phono pre has balanced outputs, then you're home free and can run long lengths to your preamp without problem. 
VPI 3D tonearm
Hi Judy,I've sampled your postings and, though I too sometimes like to fly the cynicism, I also value sincere dialog. Afterall why hang with a bunch of audio geeks if you really have a life, right? I was simply wondering if there might be more to ... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Hi Judy,I've sampled your postings and, though I too sometimes like to fly the cynicism, I also value sincere dialog. Afterall why hang with a bunch of audio geeks if you really have a life, right? I was simply wondering if there might be more to ... 
Reissue EL34, Mullard vs. JJ
The JJs are fine sounding tubes and it helps if you have a company like Tubedepot select pairs or quartets. I've had great luck with them. But to my ears the best of the current EL34s are the EH 6CA7s for power, dynamics and bass capability. These... 
Ayre MXRs/Thiel 3.7s
Tubes will work with the 3.7s just fine. Why so much distress about this? 
Dynavector DV20x2H cart for MM phono stage ?
Provided the gain is at least 40 dB or so you should be OK. 
Tubes vs Solid State
There are tubes.There are transistors.Both are valid, both can sound good; get both as I did is my philosophy. There is no "vs."They are what they are. 
Oh no , not another phono stage rec
Personally, I wish that MORE manufacturers would get on here and directly help with these discussions. I want discourse and honest dialog about the whys, insides and outs of component philosophy design and construction. I want to be able to ask de... 
What speakers should I consider around $5000?
If there is any chance you could listen to the Thiel 2.4 I highly recommend them. I have a pair and they go down to an honest 30 Hz in my room (that is after break in). 
Has anyone tried a "leather" turntable mat?
(Imitating Jimmy Fallon on SNL): t h e l e a t h e r. 
Ortofon Cadenze versus Lyra Delos
Either of these these two carts will bring you much music pleasure. I personally favor Lyra, but I have a 2M Red MM for another system and I am amazed at how much it sounds like a higher end MC for only $100. 
Oh no , not another phono stage rec
Saki: I have the Liberty B2B and it is now my reference for a solid state MC stage (I haven't yet tried it on the MM setting but will do so this weekend). I have also had the EAR834p, Aesthetix Rhea, Krell KPE and (currently) Manley Chinook. Of th...