
Responses from stevecham

PS Audio PWT - cd transport
After having the PWT/W4S combo in place for two weeks now connected via Audioquest Carbon I2S, I am convinced that this form of connection is what in large part provides that extra level of detail and depth. From what I understand the I2S allows t... 
Cartridge Advice
Third that on the Delos, great cartridge. 
power cables - not in the signal path?
Best natural, musical DAC under $3K?
Easy: W4S se 
Why aren't Rush fans more audiophile-natured?
Rush' vinyl pressings are audiophile enough for me, especially original ones. 
Tube Preamp for 4B SST2
I can recommend both CJ and Manley preamps working well with Bryston and have them through a 4BST. 
PS Audio PWT - cd transport
Am running PWT via I2S into my upgraded W4S DAC2 se and by far this is the finest CD playback I have yet experienced. 
Stylus replacement for Shure V-15 v MR
I bought Saunders replacement styli for both my Stanton 881S and Shure V15 IV and they are amazing. Highest quality by far! 
Best sounding new DAC under $2500?
Yes I will post a review when I have had a chance to evaluate the mods. 
VPI Scout running
Brf is correct, there is something amiss with the geometry of your set up. VPI's motors are designed to run in multiples of the 60 Hz coming out of the wall so it unlikely to be motor RPM. It must be incorrect motor, pulley or platter. 
Best sounding new DAC under $2500?
I have a Wyred4Sound DAC-2 that I am about to send in for the SE upgrade, that includes the femto clock and other component improvements. I will post a review when it is back and I've had a chance to listen. $1299 plus shipping one way. I am alrea... 
Capacitance settings on Manley phonostage
"0" for MC catridges. For MM carts, the seeting needs to take into account the phono cable capacitance as part of the total on the phono stage. For example the capacitance for a Technics 1200 mk2 table is about 100 pf so if the cart needs 275 pf t... 
Manley Snapper Mono's ur thoughts - PLEASE :
I cound not power my Thiel CS6s with the Snappers but can now easily with the 250s. 
Technics SL1200MK2 Cartridge Discussion
Add a AT440mla to the mix too, great cart on this table/arm. 
Fleetwood Mac
Thanks for the explanation Mr. Nice and the correction re: Rumours. The thing about The Dance is that is doesn't really count because it is live and after the fact and it doesn't sound like the original studio track. But at least finally, Stevie d...