
Responses from stevecham

the greatest pop song ever?
Yes, that would be White Christmas sung by Bing Crosby. 50 million copies sold, which takes top honors in that category. 
checking voltage on tube mono amps
Agree with Yogiboy. He may have meant bringing them up slowly to 117 VDC with a variac, but they have not sat long enough to warramt that IMO. 
Why aren't Rush fans more audiophile-natured?
Moving Pictures "keyboard based?"I mean yeah Geddy plays some keyboard but there is also more bass being played on that record. Just becuase there is some keyboard on a recording doesn't make it "keyboard based." By that argument one could say it ... 
Manley Shrimp vs. Manley Jumbo Shrimp
Haven't compared them but I did own a Jumbo Shrimp (wonderrful preamp!) before I got a Steelhead and the dealer explained to me that the Jumbo also had an updated power supply which hypothetically increased the dynamic range. If this is about maki... 
Cream - Disraeli Gears - Best Redbook CD version?
I like the Deluxe Edition OK, not as good as my Back To Black vinyl version but acceptable for digital. Haven't explored any hi rez downloads yet. 
Rockwell: audiophile term "just like a pedophile"
Well just as he proclaims that audiophiles could care less about music because they're not interested in it, so too, does this guy not care about about being truly critical from an educated standpoint, because if here did he would have done his ho... 
Opinions Wanted on changing Turntable
I would instead upgrade cartridge first on the current set up and then see/hear the results. Small steps. 
Speakers that turn your analytical mind off?
I don't know, good question. I think, depending on the context, the music, who I am with, the single malt, the microbrew, etc, I shift from analytical to enjoyment mind and back. Whether I have a dwell time in either space is dependent of a number... 
PS Audio PWT - cd transport
The wonders of human hearing eh? But it sort of makes sense when you think that our ability to discern directionality via extremely small timing changes in sound allowed us to survive and evolve over millions of years. No wonder we invented music. 
Why aren't Rush fans more audiophile-natured?
Listening to Test For Echo on cassette as I write on a Nakamichi Dragon! Audio nirvana! 
"Holographic" presentation
I think that speaker placement and room treatment are more important factors determining three dimensionality than whether the amp is of stereo or mono design. 
Got the Speakers, Now what?
You will need a phono pre or built in stage in the preamp, and a preamp and amp, or integrated amp. Some integrateds have the phono stage, preamp and amp all in one box. 
Question of priorities in audio cables
I feel the two main things are the conductor, long single crystal copper, and the dielectric used. After years of Tara, Synergistic, Audioquest, Harmonic Technology, Mapleshade, Van den Hul I have finally settled on AntiCables. These are sonically... 
Best of current 12ax7?
I agree that the sonic result is dependent on the context and application. I have had good luck with and enjoy JJ, Sovtek, Genelex and Telefunken in a variety of applications, power amps, pre amps, phono stages and guitar amps. It all depends, whi... 
Anyone into cassettes?
Yes! Recently picked up a BX300 and a Dragon for good prices and will be sending the Dragon in for a refurb, calibration, alignment etc. I reaplced the belts and the idler tire on the BX300 and it simply sings. Been enjoying some NOS sealed record...