
Responses from stevecham

Yes "Fragile" How great of an album is it?
For me, Fragile sits in the context of The Yes Album, Close To The Edge, Tales From Topographic Oceans and Relayer.  Without those adjacent works by the ever evolving band of Anderson and Squire, it has no coordinates as to where it lies in the Ro... 
Ortofon Red vs. Ortofon Blue
Very much sounds like the stylus was defective, which can happen in the case where it is a tip diamond mounted on a shank. That is the advantage the Blue provides in being nude, i.e. lower total stylus mass hence reduced ballistic inertia. 
Herron VTPH-2 12ax7 Recommendations?
Might not be a bad idea to go with the Herron installed tubes for awhile to let it settle in.  Chances are they didn't skimp on the tubes and that they were selected and tested by Herron for electronic characteristics and durability. 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Metal Fatigue is my favorite Holdsworth recording;Blow By Blow is my favorite Beck recording 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
ghost house: I just realized that one thing they might have in common musically is that they both often play with an inflection and a tonality suggestive of horn players. 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
My sense is neither, they are both very different guitarists of exceptional talent and creative approach. Beck does not use a pick, Holdsworth does. Beck does not use legato as much Holdsworth does. Holdsworth often extends long runs while Beck us... 
Whats playing on your system today?
UFO Force It, great record!Listening to The Mars Volta' Noctourniquet. 
Help me choosing Phono Preamp
I owned the Manley Chinook and Liberty B2B-1 phono preamps. Still have a EAR 834P MM only and upgraded to Manley Steelhead for MC. For a second system the EAR has turned out to be a keeper. I simply love its warmth and punch. It is one of the best... 
Your recommendations for cost-effective and musical sounding headphones?
Great comments here. I need to hear HiFi Man and Audeze to get a sense of what alternate designs contribute to headphone listening. Recently bought a JDS O2 amp for my Senn Momentums and had no idea they could sound this good. Clearly amplificatio... 
Job Integrated Amp.
Hmm, I read this thread with great interest a couple of times now and it bothers me a little that within a two month period, devilboy transitioned from what seemed "very satisfied" to "dissatisfied" to the point of selling the unit. I understand h... 
When and what was your last significant equipment upgrade?
Waiting to arrive a JDS O2 headphone amp for my Sennheiser Momentums. I borrowed a friend's to audition and was soon sold, it sounded tremendous! 
remove tubes before moving cross town?
I should have made some popcorn 
Recommend small, low power but low noise monoblocks
Manley Labs Mahi Mahi 
Who is you go to for top quality vinyl
Also, when in Japan there is an excellent stereo store in Akihabara that has a wide selection of Japanese pressings. 
Who is you go to for top quality vinyl
I stick to two local dealers in Eugene, Skip's CD World and House of Records.  Both have a great selection of preowned and new vinyl and if something goes wrong such as a non-listenable defect, even on used records, they have always stood behind m...