
Responses from stevecham

PS Audio Sprout
I too doubt it. 
First, what the goals of such an upgrade? Without knowing those, the question is too broad and without sufficient information to answer meaningfully.And what about the source(s)? 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
7 disc set on Decca: Solti conducts Bartok. 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Fascinating thread.  I'm not a trained physicist, but instead an "armchair amateur" who has read books by Stephen Hawking and Brian Greene, and while some cosmological concepts are still a bit difficult for me to grasp (even after several readings... 
Equipment rack for vintage equipment?
Maple shade racks with solid maple shelves, very strong and beautiful. 
THE most sonically dissappointing (lp) you own of great music?
Okay, any Red Hot Chili Peppers album sonically sucks because the mastering with those god awful limiters squash all dynamic life out of otherwise good music. How’s that?  And there are countless examples of death by the loudness wars.  Destroy th... 
Anyone heard the Thiel Subs
I had the SS2 with the custom crossover to go with my CS6s and, though it sometimes marginally improved the lowest notes, I felt that, overall, the CS6s sounded better without it.  Perhaps this was due to room-dependent phase cancelling of the low... 
THE most sonically dissappointing (lp) you own of great music?
Who's Next on Back to Black is not bad and of all the versions I have on vinyl, including a UK Track, this is the one that sounds accurate and has a full bass. 
Parasound HCA-2200?
Bought one new in 1997 in Montreal when I lived and worked there for a couple of years. It was my first "high end" amp and it sounded great driving a pair of V1 Paradigm Reference 100s, which I had read about in Stereophile and auditioned at Filtr... 
ok im opening pandoras box here.(treatment vs framed wall art)
Just remember that diffusion is just as important as absorption, sometimes even more so. 
Thiel Owners
I think Jim Thiel appreciated the work of Villchur and Kloss decades ago and felt the acoustic suspension (sealed box) design was the most accurate in reproduction of low frequencies. The passive radiator was a sort of compromise between a port an... 
Tube Phono Stage with balls, and slam!!
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! The Manley Steelhead is a hybrid. Oh the humanity; solid state and tubes in a single unit, what is the world coming to? 
Best Small Floorstanding Speaker under $2K
Vandersteen 1C 
Recommendation on MC cartidge and Phono Preamp
And for an MC cartridge, the Lyra Delos is hard to beat. I have two, one for back up when the other requires retipping. 
Recommendation on MC cartidge and Phono Preamp
Both the EAR 834P and Liberty B2B-1 are personally recommended as great high value highly musical choices for tubed or solid state designs.