
Responses from stevecham

Grado new v2 cartridges?
I have a V2 Reference Sonata and though I never owned or heard a V1, it sure sounds good. One of my favorite of several MM carts. 
Music Lovers Speaker vs. Audiophile Speaker
Some of us simply want it all; in one instant we want the detail, depth, imaging and staging, all the formal descriptive audio terms, and then a nanosecond later we want the pure-music-emotive-immersion thing, and then back again, and then switchi... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Ah, quartz is inorganic. It is silicon.Organic would be carbon containing. 
Amp or speaker first, upgrade
Of your selections, the Vandersteen 3A Sigs would the ones I would go with; I am a Thiel owner now but have owned Vandersteen in the past and greatly enjoyed their sound.  
Bad NOS tubes...
Disclaimer: This is my opinion only based on years of my own experience with both new tubes and so-called NOS and used vintage tubes from a variety of sources.My personal opinion, for what it is worth, and that may not be anything at all, but, bas... 
Tube Phono Stage with balls, and slam!!
Manley Steelhead. 
Best solo piano recording...redbook CDs only...Jazz, easy listening, piano bar
John O'Conor - Beethoven Piano Sonatas (complete)- John Field: Nocturnesall on Telarc 
Considering buying a CD transport
PS Audio PWT; I have one and absolutely love it. 
Is my room going to suck
Just make sure you also have a good set of headphones/amp for when you need to really "rock out" and everyone else needs quiet time. 
Loud pop and "Left Fault"
I agree; sounds like a cap that needs replacement. 
Tube Phono Stage
Despite the can opening, all suggested phono stages are certainly good "worms" here. 
Cartridge Recommendation for Dual 1229
N: I also have an XSV 3000 that a friend gave me (lucky me) and I replaced the stylus with a new one from LP Gear.  Those US made vintage carts, in good shape with new styli, are very hard to beat. 
Cartridge Recommendation for Dual 1229
Sorry, it's witsolutions, my bad!You need to go on eBay, he doesn't have a website per se. 
Tube Phono Stage
EAR 834P the MM version 
Recommendation for Integrated Amp with Tone Controls
I have both Pioneer SX 737 and Marantz 2070 vintage receivers that I did partial restorations on with new filter caps. The Marantz is an amazing performer, with the Pioneer perhaps 80% of the 2070's performance sonically. I would get a good 2045 o...