
Responses from stevecham

Protecting AMP and Cleaning AC Power
Another vote for PS Audio Premier Power Plant, it makes a big difference in soundstage and depth and the results are immediate when I take it out system and plug everything directly into the wall. I simply can't live without it in system. 
"Best" Beethoven 9 Symphonies Recording, Digital
I like the version from the Penguin guide recommended box set of Gunter Wand and the NDR Symphony.Also Ferenc Fricsay’s version on DG with the Berliner Philharmoniker is enjoyable on vinyl. 
Recommend a Cable/Interconnect Set
I've written about this topic before but my experience with many brands and models of ICs and speaker cables has led me to settle on Audioquest budget level cables and AntiCables. Especially AntiCables products, which I feel offer one of the best ... 
Tinnitus worries...
For the very small amount of ringing that I sometimes detect, likely the result of playing in rock bands and attending concerts long ago (6 dB dip shelf from about 4500 to 5500 Hz), I have found that listening to very low levels of music, either o... 
Help with Thiel 2.4 Placement
Also get a couple of diffusors for the wall above and behind your head 
My measured bass response of Thiel 2.3s
I power my 2.4s with a Manley Stingray ll and the bass goes plenty deep 
can thiel cs 2.4 rock
Yes agreed the 2.4s can play any stylewith aplomb 
Finally stepping into the hobby after 30 years of watching from the sidelines
I had the 2CE sigs and powered them satisfactorily with a Conrad Johnson CAV50. I now use a Manley Stingray for Thiel 2.4s. This would be plenty of power for the Vandersteens and will sound terrific. 
Mellow speakers
Recos for entry level Bookshelf speaker $400-750 for 21yo nieces first system?
Anyone heard these ELAC B6s? 
Your favorite one-man band!
Pete Townshend; listen to any of his completely self produced demos! Even Glyn Johns said of Pete in his autobiography that he was often intimidated by the quality of Pete's demos that often topped his best production efforts. 
My most remarkable service experience ever.
I own a Perfect Wave Transport and a Premier Power Plant and now I am even happier that I do. Thanks for sharing. Paul runs a solid company.Steve 
Any modern band that comes close to Mahavishnu Orchestra ?
One band that is in a similar vein is Brand X that Phil Collins, John Goodsall and Percy Jones were in for a short period in the late 70s early 80s, and that approached, at times, compositions and guitar work that were like some of Mahavishnu, alb... 
How many will listen to tape and vinyl in the next century?
The odds are better in Vegas than betting on this one. Plus, it's too early in the current century to make such a prediction...oh wait, I get it, this was an invitation for smiling and good natured trolls, cynics and SNL wannabes. 
Need help with my c2300
You have a tube that has gone microphonic. This same thing has happened to me a couple of times. See if you can order a low noise/tested for microphonics version of that tube from a reputable but reasonably priced dealer such as Tube Depot.