
Responses from stevecham

Revel salon 2 vs vandersteen 5a carbons
If I could afford them, I would have 5a's or carbons in my system. These are one of the finest speakers systems ever designed and manufactured. Time and phase coherence I wouldn't sacrifice in any event and for that reason (classic) Thiel and Vand... 
Review: Shure M97xE Cartridge
Long time since this thread was active so let me chime in and say that, after about a year of off and on playing my Shure M97XE (along with a number of ready to go carts that I swap in and out of a Technics SL1200MkII) it has just started to open ... 
Integrated Amp Jumpers
Today I tried my 1.0 meter pair of AQ Niagara ICs as jumpers and much preferred the Harmonic Tech cables as I mentioned above; the AQs tended to soften the dynamics a bit too much for my taste.  Could be the added length. The Niagara work perfectl... 
Top Five rock Bass players
Ah, what the heck, additional bassists to the above, regardless of style, that I like are:John Paul JonesPercy JonesJaco PastoriusDave HollandMike RutherfordGreg LakeWalter BeckerJeff BerlinJohn WettonJimmy JohnsonRay BrownPhil Lesh (lesh is more)... 
Integrated Amp Jumpers
OK here’s my take on this:I recently bought a preowned C326BEE and also ordered the Audioquest jumpers, having read they make a difference and after auditioning a friend’s NAD 7100 integrated in my system improved by a short IC he brought (brand u... 
Current NAD integrated amps, what are your impressions?
With regard to the soft clip setting, I’ve now had a C326BEE in system for about a week and I think I prefer the soft clip setting on, even at low volumes. My ears tell me it sounds a bit more three dimensional and tube bloomy. Bass does not suffe... 
Love / Hate relationship with vinyl?
Lyra Delos into Steelhead here, dead quiet.Have you considered that it might be the cartridge?Jonathan are you near? 
List of musicians changed career with better success...
Peter Murphy (ex Bauhaus) 
Power conditioner help
As I mentioned recently in another, related thread, AC regeneration IMO is the only way to go. Noise filters can only accomplish so much. What you want is pure, regenerated AC. That is how to best remove noise from the power source. 
Best platter mat, especially for DD turntables
This what I use for an SL1200 II: sonic improvement over the stock mat. 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Centrifugal force (Latin for "center fleeing") describes the tendency of an object following a curved path to fly outwards, away from the center of the curve. It's not really a force; it results from inertia — the tendency of an object to resist a... 
Power conditioner help
Any PC that doesn’t regenerate the AC wave form is a waste of time and money IMO. I wouldn’t run my systems without PS Audio AC regenerators and have been using them since 2000 when I first bought the original model to plug my sources and preamp i... 
Finally stepping into the hobby after 30 years of watching from the sidelines
Sorry for the delay in answering your question.  At times, yes I wished for more power, but the lushness of sound, provided I didn't play at too high a volume, was wonderful and for the size of my room, it was sufficient. 
Shopping for an integrated, advice s'il vous plait.
You might also consider the NAD C375BEE  or NAD C356BEE integrated amps 
conrad johnson preamps
CJ products are top notch for both build and execution, plus I have never heard anyone say that it is anything but easy on the ears.