
Responses from stevecham

Wilson Audio Haters
Call me on it if you will, and many have and I’m not alone. That dog won’t hunt; distort the time domain and you distort timbre, pure and simple. This is why live music sounds the way it does, because it does NOT distort in the time domain. To kno... 
Wilson Audio Haters
And...$48,500 for Alexias that have the tweeter and midrange drivers out of phase in the several millisecond time domain? Cmon, really? I'll stick with my sub $10K Thiel CS6s thank you. 
Wilson Audio Haters
The only thing I have against Wilson Audio speakers is that 1) they use high order crossovers (not good for time alignment at the cross over points due to phase angle shift) and that 2) they invert the polarity of some drivers, by design or necess... 
I had Vandersteen ll CE Sigs for a couple of years and kept switching amps, both tubed and solid state, including Krell, Rogue Audio, Musical Fidelity and Conrad Johnson in the hopes of "waking them up." Ultimately, I could not get them to achieve... 
Best sounding turntable and cartridge for $1100
Johnnyb5,You are RIGHT ON brother. The designers of the SL1200 knew functionality and performance could be generated in a single package when properly architected and implemented. Not to mention that these tables have some of the lowest wow and fl... 
Digital front end for Bryston/Thiels??
I have 2.4s and 6s and use a combo of PS Audio PWT (transport) and a Wyred 4 Sound DAC2 SE connected via I2S. By far the best CD playback I've heard in my home. 
I'm sorry but I wouldn't sell my items to S America or anywhere outside the US. There is too much risk involved. Let this be a lesson learned. 
Who would buy a Boulder 3050 amplifier?
As Neil said:Old man lyingby the side of the roadWith the lorries rolling by,Blue moon sinkingfrom the weight of the loadAnd the buildings scrape the sky,Cold wind rippingdown the alley at dawnAnd the morning paper flies,Dead man lyingby the side ... 
Which songs or musical standards have haunted you?
I Am The Walrus: the opening chords and then again in the middle before "sitting in an English garden..." 1967 was a dark for me as a kid and that song on AM radio always took me to another place a little scarier than the one I lived in 
Please help! - Buy VPI Classic or keep Technics 1200
I should said there is no Best among them 
Please help! - Buy VPI Classic or keep Technics 1200
I own a VPI Aries ll and two SL1200s, one of these was a sealed in box new one,  the other gently used but I replaced the tonearm with a NOS. Though I run a Lyra Delos on the VPI and several vintage MM carts with the Technics tables, I enjoy them ... 
Looking for music streamer/server...Is a Macbook Pro better than a Sony Hap Z....
Go with a MacBook Pro; ease of data management for multiple formats, choice of playback software (I use Fidelia) and iTunes/Apple Music (now streaming at 96kHz, sounds great!), portability, graphics, all make this my streaming digital source of ch... 
Does the magnetic levitating platter make all other designs superfluous.No bearings!
And do all this in a light tight and evacuated enclosure with no air, after all, microturbulences and micro temperature fluctuations will impact speed precision. 
Double LP Side Numbering Scheme
In the 70s there was a move toward single sided play when one got to high school and college, and we started taking care of our hard-earned records, at least that's how I recall we no longer wanted cheap record changers for fear they would damage ... 
Double LP Side Numbering Scheme
I’m getting old too. I remember as a tiny kid my grandparents had a 7 inch, 45 rpm RCA changer that played a stack of 5, 6 or more discs from classical box sets in such a numbered and ordered fashion such that the stack would play sides 1,2,3 and ...