
Responses from stevecham

I own a pair of B6s for occasional fun with a smaller set up. Not knowing how new yours are, they do benefit from some break in time to open those highs up.  I found that 30 hours on them at healthy volume, say played at an average 80-85 dB at 10 ... 
Cartridges: Complete Scam?
I’m amused by the rush-to-judgment-into-the-red-zone-sky-is-falling sentiment of the title of this thread. Why do you call it a Complete Scam instead of asking an intelligent question? Is it to attract readers who will respond?This is a phishing e... 
SVS PB-16 Sub
Recently purchased a pair of the sealed SVS SB2000s for my two channel system with the goal of not only filling-in the bottom down to 20 Hz, but also with musical clarity of timbre and dynamics. My speakers are Thiel 2.4 and I have the subs placed... 
Subwoofer with Thiel 2.4s?
Initial results are nothing short of impressive! The clarity of low bass is equaled only by Vandersteen Quattro and 5A models I have heard several times in friend’s systems. These subs play very clear notes with proper texture and speed during rap... 
Subwoofer with Thiel 2.4s?
Just received a pair of SVS SB2000 subs to integrate with my 2.4s. My plan is to have the 2.4s well into the room and have the subs located in the same plane just inside the mains. Because I will hook them up so that the preamp will line L and R i... 
Malcolm Young......
Malcom also played with a relatively clean tone without distortion, just the right amount of natural overdrive plugged directly into a Marshall tube head. 
What do you consider the most musical speakers—$15000 & under
Agreed. That was a sad day when Jim passed. Then the vultures swooped in for the dregs under the guise of a "new company," but they cared not one iota for Jim's designs or his approach.  There must be someone from the original Thiel that knows som... 
Tube Amplifier for Thiel
I run a Manley Steelhead ( with Skipjack for multiple line level inputs) into NEO 250s for my CS6s and they are as dynamic and extended as when I powered them with a Krell KCT pre and a 400cx amp. The imaging is far better though with the tubes. 
Thiel Owners
@Rob: Hey are you in Eugene? Last year I moved to S. Oregon but lived in Eugene for many years and HOR is one of two finest stores.And, yes, I am a huge Rush fan. 
Thiel Owners
@pops +1 on the CS6s. I'm going on 13 years with my pair and they never fail to satisfy. I swear bass extension keeps improving year after year.  Mine are Amberwood. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
The new Beck record sounds amazing and it is still growing on me. It’s simply one big party symphony that’s full of surprises and refers to his musical influences, you will hear them. Total 180 in sentiment and energy level from the sublime Mornin... 
Please suggest bookshelf with best bass response under $4000 pr.
The best bass I ever heard from a relatively small enclosure was the Totem Mani 2. There are two woofers in tandem, one is internally located in the cabinet behind the baffle mounted driver and helps push/pull it. 
Am I an Audiophile, a music lover-or both?
Our systems serve as the vehicles that get us as close to the music as possible. Playback of recorded music is as close to a time machine as we have yet invented IMO. Movies are a close second but they are pretentious and somewhat fixed in their p... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Beck - Colors (on yellow vinyl)Cranked! 
Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?
And one more thing because this is ridiculous.You said "the velocity of air medium is zero.'NoooooAir molecules at room temperature move about 1000 mph. They are bouncing around and banging off each other at very high speed.