
Responses from stevecham

Best MM?
Nagaoka MP500Ortofon BlackPickering XSV3000 or XSV4000Stanton 881SShure V15 IV or higherGrado Sonata II or higher 
Call Musichead on Riverside and ask for Travis. He does repair work/restoration in house. Good luck! 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
In all this bickering thread, has anyone actually burned in any cables lately? I’d love to see air as a dialectric get burned in. More popcorn please. 
Questions prompted by cable burn-in sound imrovement discussions
I'll take a bag, no butter please! 
Impressed with SVS Ultra
Yup, I have two SB2000s for a two channel system. SVS rocks and their products are excellent value. 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
"In a court of law would this prove burn in is not a fallacy but true?"As long as there is reasonable doubt, no. 
Military grade
I wonder what the cable ripped out of a retired aircraft carrier sounds like? Gotta be good, especially if it was subjected to battle readiness on a routine basis. I can’t even imagine what the cabling out of a Seawolf class sub would sound like, ... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
"This energy-absorption causes the dielectric’s molecules to re-arrange themselves from a random order into a uniform order. When the molecules have been rearranged, the dielectric will absorb less energy & consequently cause less distortion."... 
No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need
OK here’s a little factoid since we’re so engrossed in AUDIO cables. VIDEO cables are FAR more demanding of the TRANSMISSION of the SIGNAL relative to AUDIO. Low capacitance and resistance are REQUIRED to do this and over long distances. If such c... 
Best bookshelf speakers
I have both Elac B6 and Wharfedale Denton 80th Anniversary and like them both for small room systems. If I had to choose only one of the two, it would be the Wharfedales. The imaging and overall balance from top to bottom is smoother in my opinion... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
blueranger: "Science in its infancy cannot measure the differences that many people can hear. Infancy woah? Yep some think we know all there is to know about sound. A hundred years from now our grandchildren will look back at us and see how far th... 
The Devil is in the Cartridge Setup (and a good phone pre)...
Talk and more talk. Mods always reduce resale value unless performed by the manufacturer. I would never buy a piece that I knew was modded by an end user, even if returned to stock. Time and time again arguments are made for doing this, and it’s f... 
How Harmonic Technology has fallen.........
Very sad, they used to make good products. 
The Devil is in the Cartridge Setup (and a good phone pre)...
jbhiller: Why did you not believe that Manley knows what they are doing when it comes to building electronics?With all due respect, that was a foolish move. You just trashed the resale value of that otherwise fine piece.Also, when making changes, ... 
84k speakers... Big disappointment
rsf507: +1 got that right!sejodiren: I totally agree! I listened to a pair of Grand Utopias back in the late 90s while living in Montreal and, they were ok, but in no way worth the $70K+ price. Same for the big Wilsons.