
Responses from stevecham

Whats on your turntable tonight?
slaw: I was just playing that a couple of days ago from an original Dunhill pressing!!! 
No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need
8 Ohm nominal speaker impedance +0.0256 Ohm cable resistance =8.0256 total nominal amp load.Amp output impedance 0.016 OhmsDF (which is a ratio, not units) into 8 Ohms is 8/0.016 = 500DF into 8.0256 Ohms is 8.0256/0.016 = 501.6Big difference. Not. 
No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need
Even if could connect our amp to speaker terminals with 1 inch square (cross sectioned), or other rectangular profile, six nines, pure copper bars with only air as the dielectric, there would be NO improvement in sound. None, zilch, zip. Arrrgh! 
No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need
+1 morg111! What the heck b4icu is spouting is NOT SCIENCE! Example (one of many): "Unfortunately, most speaker cables are of 14-12 AWG and with some length from 8' to 24'. For the length, by increase the length from 8' to 16', in order to keep th... 
Just picked up a pair of Parasound JC-1 to drive my...
Thanks for sharing. Wonderful amps that I'm am sure will match well with your MLs. Take your time, enjoy the set up and share with us when ready! 
So, I really like my Tukans and I really miss the next lower octaves..
Get a pair of powered subs. You need subs if you want the last bit of extension in the lowest frequencies. 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
Cables - no break inTubes - once warm, no burn/break in; they just degrade over time from day one and sound best when new. "Burn in" for a day or so is best used to determine that the tube is stable and not about to fail.Speakers - yes; they are m... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
taras22: "for giggles" huh? You had already dismissed the Belden-based cable before you even listened.Subjectivity and the process of belief rule over any quantitative, objective assessment, any way, any time.No wonder people are walking away from... 
Subwoofer suggestions
+2 on SVS SB2000. I have two of them, and together, they greatly reduce subtractive nodes in my room. They go down to 19 Hz, which is low enough for me. With 500 WRMS per sub, there's plenty of clear, note defined, low end grunt. 
Lasers do burn out. They are like incandescent light bulbs in that regard and have only so many operating hours before they give it up. My guess is that it will be well worth the fix by Krell if they can accommodate you. 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
No one here has the courage to talk about everyone's brain burn-in period though. Neurons are far more adaptable than speaker cables. We are very good at the process of belief. 
I am a "Moron"
While it was offered free for 30 days, I downloaded and enjoyed Channel D’s Pure Vinyl and recorded a number of mt records to my MacBook Pro with great success. I used 192 kHz/24 bit and playback is darn close to the original. Perhaps it’s the sof... 
The Beatles .....
Numba niyun, numba niyun, numba niyun... 
Cartridge alignment tool
+1 for Mint Best. I have one for my Technics 1200 tables and one for my VPI Aries. Alignment with these was worth more than any single upgrade to my vinyl playback. 
Which band IS really America's Greatest (rock & roll band)?
The only "American" band (North American, that is) I would consider isn't from the US, but from Canada, and that would be Rush. No BS, pure music and intellect, those guys gave everything to their fans for 40+ years. They would go on but physical ...