
Responses from stevecham

No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need
And...even if say for the sake of argument, someone uses 10m of these wires, then that is:0.0252 Ohm for 10 m of 14 AWG0.00093 Ohm for 10 m of 0 AWGWho cares? You CANNOT hear any sonic differences due to this resistance difference alone! Electrica... 
No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need
Mr. b4icu,"When you get a 0 AWG cable, that has a 0.1% loss due to none purity dos not equals to a 14 AWG that has a resistance of 2.52 Ohms per 1000m, vs. a 0 AWG that has a resistance of 0.093 ohms per 1000m. This ratio is of x27 times or 2,700%... 
No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need
b4icu: "All the difference in conductivity is below 0.1% and no one would notice an audible difference in such a small difference in conductivity."You see, this is the point I take issue with. Conductivity includes resistivity as a factor. This fa... 
No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need
"It is amazing what this industry can convince you pay for, without any justification."EXACTLY! Now we're getting somewhere! 
Prima Luna Tube Question
+1 that it’s the cable; try another pair? 
Thoughts on Big Star
The gems of BigStar are to be found on Radio City and my favorite tracks are Way Out West, What’s Going Ahn and Daisy Glaze. Of course, September Gurls rocks too, but those three are complex and unlike any others written in the 1973 timeframe. 
Integrated w/phono but no DAC
I recently picked up a used NAD C375BEE for about $800 and I bought and installed their $200 PP375 phono module which will play both MM and MC cartridges. Using several MM carts with it, I am very happy with the sound. Just another idea... 
Vinyl System Upgrade Path Recommendations
+2 on the Nagaoka MP110. Great cartridge and value, very smooth and balanced. I have that one plus the MP150 and MP200. All are superb. 
Yes, you know which way the wire is pointing. It is this way, or it is that way. But at least you know. 
For those of us over 60..
psag: if you are then I must be too! Those are two of my favorites! 
Vandersteen Quatro Wood CT Setup Questions
"My question is How does this explain single mike recordings?"Typically, the mixing/mastering will run the entire two channel mix down though a stereo processor and this will give a 3D quality even if the track was mono. Another technique often us... 
No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need
Mr b4icu:"Did you try a powerful SS amp with high DF and thick cables attached to your Thile?"Yes, I used to own a Krell 400cx amp that I used to drive the Thiels. It sounded ok but not as spacially defined and three dimensional as the tubed Manle... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
Planes fly above our heads? Are you kidding me? Great, now I have to recalibrate all my expectations. 💩 
No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need
b4icu: I did not call you a nazi and I'm sorry you completely misconstrued that; I attempted to compare, with poor humor perhaps, what from my perspective was an arbitrary rejection of being served by your formula, which you claimed was needed in ... 
Speaker Cables
Adg101: that member (b4icu) will help you ONLY if he approves of your amp/speaker combination. Hint: you’d better have an amp with sufficient DAMPING FACTOR or you’ll get rejected from use of his secret sauce LOL!