
Responses from stevecham

No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need
"No aircraft carrier. Also no one should place his amplifier 1000m from its speaker. That’s common sense. It seems to me that you could use some more of it!"And you sir, may I suggest that you, in turn, try to develop a bit of a sense of humor? Al... 
Thiel Owners
The maximum wattage that can be produced by a 120 VAC, 15 ampere supply, depending on the amp's efficiency, is about 1500 watts. 
... what is Settling Time in cables and interconnects...
Here we go again, and again, and again...can we give this topic a rest please? 
Thoughts on Big Star
The brief combination of Chilton/Bell was unique and special. Their voices together were wonderful, their musical collaborations sublime. Alex sang harmony with Chris on his You and Your Sister from Bell's I Am The Cosmos, which, I believe, was th... 
Ethics are sliding by members!
Ethics is the topic. Of course audio is the focus here. Ethical behavior is the issue. I’m not going to play let’s pretend and put my head in the sand. Time to call things as they are. To pretend that politics isn’t practiced in the microcosm of a... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Japan - Oil On Canvas, Tin DrumPeter Murphy - Holy Smoke 
Am I hearing things (you don't) ????
One more thing: when I drive the interstate for over a half hour, continuously, I wear hearing protection (re-expandable foam inserts, 30 dB attenuators). I find that road noise is another aggravating source.  
Am I hearing things (you don't) ????
At times I have a touch of this and it seems to center around the 5kHz band. What I've found works for me is to lisen to music at very low levels, below the threshold where I hear the "resonances." After relaxing into the music, the resonance seem... 
Thoughts on Big Star
Alex Chilton: complex, talented, flawed, brilliant, difficult, creative, genius, never to be forgotten. 
Problem related to Push-Pull or EL34?
Listen to a Manley Stingray and that will give you a good impression of a well designed EL84 amp. I have one, love it. I also have their EL34 monoblocks and they sound wonderful too. 
Ethics are sliding by members!
This is a direct result of the qualty of the leadership of this country. History documented it many times. It's time we woke up and admitted it. 
Stranded vs Solid Copper
Skin effect has zero role in signal transmission at audio frequencies. This is simply more snake oil promoted by cable manufacturers and their "believers." Cables are passive devices and as a result have a linear response. Only at very high freque... 
No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need
"The resistance of #14 vs. #0 is remaining relative, no matter of length. It will apply to any length from 1 m to 1 km or 1 cm."Perhaps, but at REAL WORLD lengths, the relative difference is INSIGNIFI CANT 
How much does vinyl formulation have an influence on overall sound?
Also the quality of the vinyl and the method in which it is stamped determines whether there will be sporadic drop outs and noise (chunks, potholes, pits) in the groove walls. Some of this depends on the formulation of the vinyl compound, whether ... 
Speaker Jumpers
Use Cardas cable.