
Responses from stevecham

What will a preamp do for me?
The problem with volume on the DAC itself is that you're shortening word length. This is how the volume is controlled digitally. My suggestion is to do what I did recently and try a PS Audio Stellar Gain Cell DAC that use a proprietary means to co... 
Drink of choice for serious listening?
Filtered water from my fridge. Used to do single malts with a porter or stout as a chase but no longer drinking EtOH. 
Greatest debut album
Last 40 years, huh?Pablo Honey - RadioheadJeff Buckley - GraceA.M. - WilcoSomething About Airplanes - Death Cab For CutieDefinitely Maybe - OasisStone Roses - Stone RosesMethodrone -Brian Jonestown MassacreParachutes - ColdplayShould The World Fai... 
I need a subwoofer/sub-bass opinion from you
My room is 24 x 25 x8 and with two SVS SB2000 subs there is plenty of very clear and low bass now. They have a home trial offer too which makes them a must evaluation. For me they are keepers. 
$10k Speaker Cables??????????????
The margins on such items are North of 100%.And Geoff, it takes a troll to know one. And no, I didn't say ALL toilets did I? Please learn to read and understand before responding. 
$10k Speaker Cables??????????????
You see, the audio industry took a nod from government contractors that charged Uncle Sam  $10K for hammers and $40K for toilet seats. They finally caught on. 
Few technical questions about an Ortofon MC cart on a Scout 2...
You need to have the cartridge looked at professionally as suggested above. It sounds like the suspension is damaged. 
Nagaoka MP-110 cartridge
I have an MP150 and run it at 1.92 g. 
If you could just pick one instrument that you think sounds best on your speakers
I like 'em all too. 
Thinking about a new, lower end CD Player
Check out NAD. Music Direct sells their model C538 for $300. 
One speaker observation from the New York Hifi show.
My recommendation is, while you are seated at your preferred spot with music playing, to have someone else position and aim the speakers for you. There is likely a position/aim that will nullify the assymetry and work sonically. Don’t forget to cl... 
CJ CAV 50 Integrated - Never heard it but curious ...
Had one of these driving Vandersteen 2CE Sigs. Very nice, sweet sound, not really good for rocking out. With Classical, acoustic folk and small Jazz combos though it was heaven. 
My amp is toast
Check out PS Audio M700 monoblocks; 30 day in home trial. They arrive Tuesday here and I can't wait to hear them. 
Need Preamp and Amp to Match Vandersteen 3A Signature Speakers
Another option, which I am in home auditioning right now, is the PS Audio Stellar Gain Cell DAC/Preamp and M700 monoblock ensemble, which can be purchased new for $2799 with a $1200 trade-in against the $3999 package price. I already have the Prea... 
Annoying sounds from cars at stop light
One does not have to be the distance of the wavelength to hear the frequency. That's a myth. Sound is a wave function of pressurization and depressurization in time and magnitude and that can be heard over very short distances, which is why headph...