
Responses from stevecham

Thiel 3.6's vs. Vandersteen 3 sigs
As an owner of both CS6s and 2Ce Sigs, I can say that I am very fond of both Thiel and Vandersteen and can't imagine ever owning other brands from here on. Both manufacturers offer something quite different tonally, BUT they also both provide what... 
Kef vs Thiel
Apples and Oranges."More musical.""Warmer."Skater you say you have a system that "can handle Thiels" but what do you mean by that? What source(s) and amp are you using?KEF and Thiel are very far apart in design goals and sonic characteristics; tha... 
"Is that a record??? "
The scary thing about all this is that it shows what "sheep" many of us are simply because we have been trained to believe what we see and hear on TV and in the media.Orwell was on target despite the fact that so many of us born in the late fiftie... 
Who Imports and sevices Koetsu's Now?
But all Koetsu dealers work with an importer/distributor so I wonder who that is now... 
Thiel 1.6 vs. 2.4 vs. 3.6 using NAD c372
Don't blame Thiel: Jim is very clear about the need to use amps that double current output as the impedance halves.Plus it is the dealer's reponsibility to make sure that customers have the appropriate partnering amplifier. If the dealer doesn't d... 
First song to "Blow You Away"...
California Dreamin': I just had to find out who that was played that song and find the album it was on. The line "I take a walk on a winter's day" was the hook. 
musical drummers...who are they ???
That film soundtrack is a joke and is insulting to the music and the band, despite their stoned-out participation; Oliver Reed and Ann Margret singing? Yuk.I'm talking about the original studio album, which is the only version worthy of mention. K... 
Class D amp driving Thiel
And he said it but didn't show it. This is my opinion: Class D amplifiers are not ready for prime time yet, except for a narrow frequency range as required by a subwoofer. And car stereo with all the attendant road noise. Those who will embrace Cl... 
Class D amp driving Thiel
Noise and distortion are the points of it. 
Class D amp driving Thiel
Vic, but that tube amp's squarewave sure does look much better than that D amp.I am totally cognizant of what happens as soon as acoustic sounds is trasduced to an electronic signal, the phase shifting, the compression...we have to accept that as ... 
Class D amp driving Thiel
As long as Class D amps cannot make an accurate looking 10 kHz squarewave, one will not find a place in my listening environment. There are some things that an amp has to be able to do on a test bench accurately or it will never get timbre and har... 
musical drummers...who are they ???
Priz, On Tommy? No way it's Kenny Jones, that's Keith Moon back in 1969. Jones never sounded that good and besides, the band didn't work with him until after Keith died. 
musical drummers...who are they ???
Listened to Tommy on Classic 200 gram vinyl last night and addingKeith Moon 
MC Phono Stage w/ Attenuator??
For the price the EAR is hard to beat. 
New tubes suggestions?
JJs are great; also the Svetlana winged Cs.