
Responses from stevecham

New Classic Records Coloured Vinyl
Even on black vinyl I have two records that contain serious noise. One of these that keeps getting worse everytime I play it (it is now destined for the circular file) is Peter Gabriel's 2. Led Zeps 4 and Houses of the Holy, and Genesis' Selling E... 
Help me hunt for a SS integrated
University Audio also sells Krell, which in my experience, is perfect for Thiel. 
To Former owners of Jolida JD 100
I am glad I kept my Jolida. I also have a CJ DV2B (tube output) and a Meridian 508.24. Each player has it's own strengths/weakenesses, but the Jolida is a keeper, especially after replacing the tubes with ribbed plate Telefunken 12AX7s. This reall... 
Will superior earphones matter with my Nano
I have EC2 and recently gave these to my wife and bought a pair of EC3s. They are better, more isolation, clarity improved and bass extension was better. I wouldn't go crazy in pusuit with this though theres only so much purse you can make from a ... 
WAF - Wife Acceptance Factor
I am a very lucky guy to have found a woman who shares this hobby with me. She was into music long before wemet but didn't know much about equipment. I took her to a couple of shows when we lived in Montreal and this changed things because it allo... 
Will leaving an amp powered-up all the time...
After many years in this hobby I don't see that leaving an amp on all the time provides any benefit vs. turning off if not listened to for extended periods. My solution is to turn on and off during the week if I listen in the evenings only and lea... 
Phono Stage Question
If you don't want to upgrade for awhile I highly recommend the EAR 834P phono stage. This fine component is worthy of much higher level systems and is one of the best values in audio. I have two of them, one for a tube system and the other for a s... 
Can you imagine a world without vinyl?
What we need is a hyperanalog format. The challenge is to find a high storage, robust physical format for recording and playback. As long as we insist on using ones and zeros in music, that's all we'll get. 
Sophia 2 vs. Vandersteen Quatro
I listened extensively to the Sophias, the Watt Puppy and the Maxx (the last I could no way afford) when I was on my quest to replace Dynaudio Contour 3.0s. I liked the Sophias at first because the bass and high treble were emphasized. After awhil... 
Sophia 2 vs. Vandersteen Quatro
From John Atkinson:"In the time domain, the Sophia's step response (fig.7) reveals that its tweeter and woofer are connected in positive acoustic polarity, the midrange in inverted polarity—which is what is needed, in conjunction with the phase sh... 
Sophia 2 vs. Vandersteen Quatro
Vandersteens are time and phase correct and Wilson are not. Do you care to hear harmonic content that captures timbre accurately that is essential to the enjoyment of music? Also, Wilson uses a midrange driver that makes no sense to me; 7 inch?No ... 
cartridge Benz, Koestu, Lyra
OK. The ante has been upped and Piedpiper and John have made excellent points and others have chimed in so here goes:The things that are important to me with phono cartridges are trackability, soundstage and evenness of response top to bottom. Det... 
Best analog sounding cd player under 5K
Those are all great players you've listed. Two I own in the used category, simply because they are no linger made, are a Meridian 508.24 and a Conrad Johnson DV-2B, I highly recommend. 
Reciever Questions. Thiels.
I completely agree with Raquel on this. I am a huge fan of Thiels and Vandersteens, and own a pair of both brands, but it is essential that the Thiels be powered appropriately. They not only require current, but are highly revealing of the upstrea... 
cartridge Benz, Koestu, Lyra
I just made the move from a Koetsu Urushi that I had for five years to a Lyra Helikon and I am gobsmacked by all that I was missing earlier. I am now a converted Lyra fan. What to do about the Urushi is now the question.