
Responses from stevecham

How do YOU pronounce...
I pronounce V-I-N-Y-L as "records." 
Transparency and the two types of speakers
Drubin. Ahh, (Camina Burana in the background) the eternal dilemna. Perhaps the answer for you will, in some form take, shape to that similar to my current solution: multiple systems. Right now I have two tube based systems and one larger solid st... 
First song to "Blow You Away"...
I Am The Walrus - BeatlesVery tough time for me when I heard it on Boston radio as a kid and it made me think that there were others in worse shape than I was in at the time so I think that helped.The opening chords haunt me to this day. 
In What Order Do You Turn On/Off Gear Separates ?
Think of the path the source signal takes when turning on:Sources>preamp>ampThink of working your way back "upstream" from the speakers when turning off:amp>preamp>source componentsOr to simplify since it's the amp that is the most imp... 
Please help, I'm worried about my Koetsu Urushi
My Urushi rides low to the record surface too at 2.0 grams. I think that with time the suspension softens and the catridge settles into this configuration. You should be able to tolerate midly warped records without any problem though.Just curious... 
Comparison of Thiel CS2.4 vs. Vandersteen 3A Sig.
If Thiels ever sound severe, harsh and analytical, it is not the speakers but the source components first (the main "problem" in most systems) and the amplification a close second, followed by the room itself if there are untamed phase cancellatio... 
What is bias a tube amp ? Is it difficult?
Well made amps don't require biasing very often, and it's a good idea not to go crazy with this simply because frequent biasing will prematurely wear out the pots.The CJ and Rogue amps I have are basically set it and forget it. I check the bias on... 
Why organ music
Get yourself a copy of Felix Hell's "Organ Sensation" Reference Recordings RR-101CD.This is one of the best performed, recorded and mastered organ CDs ever. If this doesn't sound good on your system, you may need to look at your source player. 
Does this speaker exist or am I being ridiculous?
Vandersteen 3A Signature 
Congratulations Diamonds, just make sure you install a decent cartridge on that table. 
what are some of the best amplifiers
Certainly not Krell, Audio Research, Conrad Johnson or Levinson.There, now all who own these brands, please put them immediately up for sale at bargain prices so I can continue to buy the "worst of the worst" at bargain basement prices.And while w... 
Cleaning VPI platter
Though I do this once every year or so, I use Record Research (now Mobile Fidelity) Deep Cleaner on a new and dampened sponge to lightly clean the surface of the platter. I figured the same solution that is OK for records would be OK for the platt... 
Most expensive Audio disapoinment?
A few years ago my wife and I were considering relocating and downsize from a house to a condo in the city and stupid me, I should have waited before trading in a great pair of Thiel CS7s for Dynaudio Contour 3.0s. I liked the Dyns for about a yea... 
Krell come nobody likes em?
I have come to the conclusion that some folks simply want Krell gear to sound harsh and bright. The reason for this escapes me but it may have something to with the fact that they make such great electronics. Tall blades of grass are the first to ... 
I have an MM7 and VPI Aries 2. The Music Hall is a great value and has excellent isolation. Mine benefited from a cartridge upgrade; I am now running a Shelter 501 II and I am very pleased with the results. Having said that, over the holidays a fr...