
Responses from stevecham

Krell 400xi or Musical Fidelity A5 for ML Summit?
After two weeks of breaking in the new A5 integrated it just keeps getting better and better. A solid bargain in integrateds and it has plenty of power with delicacy and dynamics. My Vandersteen 2Ces disappear now. Tremendous. 
Musical Fidelity British or Chinese
The A series is manufactured in Taiwan. 
Krell 400xi or Musical Fidelity A5 for ML Summit?
Well, guess what guys? I can now say that both brands are first rate, here's why. The KCT/400cx/Thiel CS6 combo just keeps getting year after year and the key is feeding it a quality source. Recently we reconfigured our second listening room with ... 
Cartridge recommendation?
I put a Shelter 501 mk2 into my MM7 and the improvement was substantial. A friend of mine put a Lyra Argoi in his MM7 and I think that is even slightly better than the Shelter. I know this because he brought his table over to my place and we A/Bd ... 
Pet audiophile peeves - name yours
No pictures"Serious inquiries only;" oh yeah there are sharks all over the 'gon. Be afraid, be very afraid.Lame excuses for why it is being sold. Look, sometimes you just want to try something else and don't need more boat anchors in the house col... 
Discounts vs. Agon listings
That's a good deal on a Scout. Great table too. 
B&W - Musical Fidelity Owners. What cables?
Just bought an A5 to go with my Vandersteen 2Ces as I need more power now that I have moved the system to a larger room.My choice is Harmonic Technology single crystal cables and ICs. I like the coherence and top to bottom representation and sound... 
How to eliminate popping noises from ac supply?
No chance that a refrigerator is on the same circuit? 
One Pop Too Many
Classic Records manufactured a few that had clicks and pops on the outer radius and I returned these. Clearly they were not the result of not being clean; I cleaned them several times with RR on the VPI and they revealed the defect.It's one of tho... 
Loud bad noises
Lasers are a little like light bulbs in tnat they evetnually wear out and need to be replaced. 
Shelter 501 mk 2/ ZYX R100H
Daemon how did that 501 work out? 
Most helpful audio companies
CJ, Krell, Thiel, Vandersteen, PS Audio, VPI, Music Direct 
Conrad Johnson and Proac Speakers
Thiel or Vandersteen 
German Cd cutting machine:any owners out there?
I have yet to buy one but this does make a positive difference that like others here I attribute to disc balance that mitigates laser tracking error.I visited a dealer in San Jose a couple of years back and had my remastered Miles Davis' "Kind of ... 
Best short-lived band?
Thanks Ohnwy61, I am aware of those by Baerwald and now that you have said good things I will have to pick up a couple of these and have a listen!