
Responses from stevecham

Tube CD-player question
The Regas are smooth...I remember hearing a Planet a few years ago and wondered if it had tubes. Very warm. 
Tube CD-player question
The Jolida is a good player. The CJ DV-2B is a great player and I am still hoping that CJ will re-release this or replace this fine component. 
Leave an amp "on" permanetly
Hey there could be an upside to prematurely wearing out your amps by turning them on and off as needed: a damn good reason to go out shopping for a new one. By golly, the horror! 
Leave an amp "on" permanetly
I think it is better to turn components off when not using them for more than a few hours. I have not heard of a single example where the life of a component was shortened by routine switching on and off. This is simply another bit of audiophile f... 
Your Fav EL34 and why?
Now running a new quad of KT77s from JJ in my CJ CAV50 and these are as good if not a little more dynamic and full compared to the Winged Cs. 
what makes a tube sound the way it does?
OTL stands for output transformerless 
Best Value Speaker Model for the Buck?
Vandersteen 1c and 2Ce sigs 
Tube amps and speaker ohms
Hiend2: I use 45 watts a side from a CJ CAV50 to drive my 86 dB Vandy 2Ce Sigs in a moderately sized room and I have very little trouble hitting my comfort zone of 80 dB in my listening position about 10 ft from them.I don't know where you get tha... 
If they would just slow down the pressing process a little and let the damn biscuit settle into the stamper a bit longer, all that surface noise would go away. I know time is money but just a bit longer will help. I have several Classic releases t... 
Amazingly Close to Krell Sound
Krell has never made tube amps. 
Amplifier for Vandersteen 5A' s ?
A friend of mine uses Parasound JC-1 monoblocks and they sound fabulous with the 5As. 
May Day May Day
Pathetic little thing with screw on stylus, mount assembly that touched a rubber/piezo pad. White arm, mainly for 45s. Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini was my first record. Then my grandparents gave me a stack of Ravel Mother Goose S... 
Conrad Johnson and Proac Speakers
Kd7kld, YES!!! 
Thiel 3.6's vs. Vandersteen 3 sigs
Conrad Johnson and Proac Speakers
Thiel or Vandersteen (2Ces with lower power CJ amp)