
Responses from stevecham

Krell KAV-400xi vs KAV-150a vs Outlaw Audio vs ?
I'm a Krell guy but for my second system I recently installed a Musical Fidelity A5 integrated. Great piece. 
Your ONE all time favorite love song?
Pangs of Love by Bruce Cockburn 
Cable angst and Vandersteen 2 ce signature
Harmonic Technology Fantasy cable works well for my 2Ces and didn't cost an arm and a leg. Single crystal construction sounds great. Also I used Audioquest spades at the speaker end as they are a perfect fit to the Vandy strip. 
Non classical piano based music recommendaiton
Max Richter, this is very different, emotive music. Try "The Blue NOtebooks" 
What steps forward were actually steps backward?
Going from Thiel CS7s to Dynaudio Contour 3.0s. After a year I finally "found my way again" and bought a pair of CS6s. 
Anyone audition the new Thiel 3.7s yet?
I'm sticking to my CS6s. 
Has Anyone Removed & Replaced the VPI Arm
I need to understand how you can swap out a 9 inch arm for a 10 inch. Don't you need to redrill the plinth for the 10 inch arm as that will require relocating the mounting point for the 10.5? 
music , mind , thought and emotion
music is also time 
Reversing absolute phase
At the very least, the initial attack of a kick drum from a kit should move the cone forward toward the listener. This is the way it is in the real world. This is not as easy to determine with other instruments that have more complex timbres. Also... 
what kind of audiophile are you ?
All three plus music for the sheer wonder of it. 
Vandersteen 3a sig vs. Paradigm studio 100
I have Vandy 2Ces and used to own Paradigm 100s 1st version. The Vandersteen is a better speaker in many ways including the fact that it is time and phase correct. Plus it will extend lower with good amplification. 
Zeppelin on vinyl
Houses weak? No Quarter?Yikes! 
Just got my Scoutmaster, need setup suggestions...
Make sure the imbalance is not due to downstream components. 
Zeppelin on vinyl
#4 is a bit dry and always was, even on the original release from 1971. It's one case where (perish the thought) the remastered CD actually sounds a bit better (oh the horror). 
Zeppelin on vinyl
Ditto on the Classic releases. Except for #4 (Zoso) all are very good sounding. My #4 is a bit noisy.