
Responses from stevecham

Favorite reviewer?
Colloms, Harley, Fremer and the nice folks from UHF (Rejskind, Lessard and Simon) 
How many hours weekly do you listen to your system
I listen about 14 to 20 hours per week. I would listen more if I had the time. I can't listen at work simply because I love music so much, it would distract me into listening. I am not a music as wall paper listener. In addition on the weekends I ... 
best sub 1k phono stage?
EAR 834P used. I have two of 'em. 
Tonearm recomendations
Not snobby, but you are probably in a minority when it comes to this type of DIY project here. Maybe the best thing to do is study turntable/arm design and do the math etc so that your project has some rationale behind it. There are so many variab... 
Thiel CS6
I use a Krell 400cx with the CS6. They need current down at that critical 2.3 Ohm minimum and the Krell delivers. Great match and Jim approved when I told him what I was using with these. 
What's the best, or your fave Johnny Cash song?
Ditto on Four Strong Winds. I also like his version of Reznor's "Hurt." 
Robert & Alison-Raising Sand
Well, I like it, but especially, the wife likes it. This album has the potential to have a very high WAF score.A good thing.Sunday morning music in my home. Sonically OK.But what the heck is Alison doing singing about a woman...oh, really? I had n... 
Stereophile Review of Quatro Wood
The one thing I was hoping to get from this, and of course didn't, was that as an owner of either 2Ces or 3As, if I were thinking of upgrading to the Quatro, would this be a good overall choice? And how much would I gain and would it be cost effec... 
What started you on the merry go round?
A friend who had Thiel CS 0.5, Bryston 2 series preamp and power amp.That alone was so much better than my mass market Pioneer receiver, Technics CD player, and cheap Infinity and Boston mini monitors.That was 10 years ago. 
Affordable Power Cords
PS Audio Power Punch $49.95 for 1 meter.I replaced with these in key places in my main system (preamp, phono stage, CD player) and what an improvement in soundstage and bass. 
Best Small Speaker System You've ever Heard
Totem Mani2s driven by CJ 2500A amp. 
Stereophile Review of Quatro Wood
Stereophile is entertainment, no more no less. I subscribe as a testament to the comedy that is the modern review.Hey they "promised" to review the Krell KCT years ago and never did. So they "lost" me in terms of beleivability.Do you think any of ... 
Angriest Lyric/Vocal
Any lyric from Skinny Puppy's Too Dark Park 
The Classe should be stout enough in the power suppply to be able to handle that 2.3 Ohm minimum. The good thing is that this a dip that is not present for most of the musical content. I am guessing one of these spekaers is the CS6. What I can tel... 
Put a Lyra Argo i in your MM7 and be prepared to smile.