

Responses from stanwal

Musical Fidelity A5, Simaudio I-5 or Krell s300i
I would get the Krell. I have 4 pieces of Musical Fidelity but don't think the A-5 was one of their better efforts. The 300i has a LOT of power. 
Grado with Unipivot - Which armwand?
Since you already have it put the cartridge in and see how it sounds for yourself. Theory is fine but experence is better. 
Garrad 401 and SME V series ...a good combination?
In what way are the demands of an idler drive different from, say, a belt drive? I haven't used one in decades and never thought about this when I did use one. Do they generate more internal vibration than a belt or direct drive? If this is the ca... 
Spikes or Spikeless
I have a concrete floor with vinyl flooring and a rug over it. My Gamut L5s come on a base with 4 large outrigger cones; they also have cups for the cones to rest in. My two friends and I have listened to them several times with and without the co... 
Do Mono Block amps provide better sound ??
I have had both and it is really a case by case decision. To me the main advantage of monoblocks is that they can weigh considerably less than the two on the same chassis. But having them both on the same chassis simplifies grounding and connectio... 
Can anyone recommend a good balanced phono cable
I have the Basis Exclusive which has both balanced and SE and they recommended the same thing. I just got a Cardas GR balanced cable and am quite happy with it; I was using the silver cable that came with my Graham arm. 
Power cord for CJ MF2500A
I have a 350 and have used several, both 20 amp and 15 with a Voodoo adapter. They do sound better than the stock cord. I would get a good 15 amp IEC installed. It would be easier to replace the stock cord with a better captive one but you wouldn'... 
Question for the Hi-Fi experts ??
First, headphones ARE NOT speakers. They have no room problems at all [reflections,uneven responses] and they have to move only the small amount of air in your ears instead the whole room so it is much easier to get low bass. NO speaker is ever go... 
Adequacy of Mac MC7300?
Remember that the Mac amps are unique among SS amps [ at least among the ones I have seen currently] in using a matching transformer [autoformer]. This limits current and maximum output at lower impedences while smoothing out difficult loads. I pe... 
McIntosh Preamp
Tubey or not tubey, that is the question! 
lamm lp2 loading question
The default setting on my Kw phono stage is 10 ohms and the external loading I use most is 100 ohms so 40 probabaly will work with most. I would think 400 is too high, at least for the cartridges I have used. YMMV 
Phono-pre: subsonic filter on or off ?
They vary widely in effect in my experence. If I didn't have a problem I would leave it off,I do: if the woofers flap wildly then use it. It does have an effect on the bass but if you need it you need it. One of my phono stages has both RIAA and I... 
Why do some model names use "MKII"?
"Mark" is the term con men use for their victims. 
My B&W speakers
The cabinet and crossover are critical to speaker performance and the lower lines do not pay the same attention to them as the more expensive ones. What do you care anyway, if they sound high end to you say so; I doubt if the Audiophile police wil... 
SS against Tube Preamp
I have used both and I really think it depends on the individual units rather than just Tube vs SS. Just adding a tube is no guarantee of better sound, you have to add the right tube for your system. Tube pre amps do not all sound alike; neither d...