

Responses from stanwal

Bi-Amp Mash Up SS on Bass and Tubes on top?
Apart from the extra power each amp handles a lesser frequency range; this usually gives an improvement in sound. 
Has anyone heard Rega's Isis CDP?
HIFICRITIC has reviewed it, gave it a rating of 83 on their scale, which is excellent, see their site under Colloms Ratings for others ratings. The gist of the review is that it is one of the best on market and nothing better in its price range. T... 
In search of : Phono Stage to replace Rhea
I have the 2006 model and am quite happy with it. Another to consider is the Audia Flight. I use its matching pre with the ASR. 
Bi-Amp Mash Up SS on Bass and Tubes on top?
If it is higher at one watt it will be higher at full output also. The idea is that the top end will take much less power to drive so you assume that it is the top that will need attenuation. I am not sure that in every case it would be necessary ... 
Explain Amp classes & how effects sound?
Inpepinnovations, the Quad 44 is a preamp, I think you meant the 405. Use to sell both in my Quad dealer days. 
Sony TA-E88B ???
I had both the C1000 and the Sony back in the early 80s but too much time has gone by to reconstruct the sound quality. Preamps have gotten much better since then. New caps would be my first step. 
MF V-DAC and power supply
I think you will find that the Mac is not nearly as good as higher priced gear designed from the ground up for audio use. From everything I hear from sources I trust getting good sound from downloads is a fairly difficult and expensive proposition... 
power cord for PS Audio Power Plant Premier
The HIFICRITIC test of the PPP found that the Xtream Primer SC [ may have the first two reversed] cords worked very well. I have a couple, using one with my Quintet, and find them very good. I had a couple of Statements of the same generation and ... 
goldpoint volume controls and switchers
I just ordered a TKD pot as I was afraid that the stepped I looked at would not have enough range of adjustment. What I mean is that another person with the same pre could only use the first step or so before the sound got too loud. The ones I loo... 
Affordable Japanese LOMCs--Recommendations?
Buconero 117, hit and run comments do not indicate superior knowledge, just a snarky attitude. Johnny, as I haven't used them I can't advise but I have had good luck with all the Denon's I have used so you can't go far wrong. 
Quads 57 -
I remember selling a pair of 63s with great reluctance to a rock enthusiast along with a Musical Fidelity 270, a powerful class a transistor amp. He blew them up a couple of times, then was told he had the wrong amp, changed the amp and blew them ... 
Best SME arm for TD-124?
Albert is correct; I would just add that it also depends on your choice of cartridges. The older SMEs work well with MM, not so well with most MCs. If you want to use MMs you might consider a Type 3 arm, which was better than the 3009 type 2 and i... 
Affordable Japanese LOMCs--Recommendations?
You picked two I haven't used; what arm are you using? The 103 series like more mass than the others listed. 
Quads 57 -
I had my first pair in 64 or 5 and had them off and on till they were discontinued. I was a dealer for 15 years or so. Most of the time I also had Spendor, starting about 1970. The Quads are still excellent speakers but ultimately I preferred the ... 
Affordable Japanese LOMCs--Recommendations?
I have now or very recently had the 103, 304, OC9/2 and 33EV. I find the 304 and 33 to be very neutral cartridges capable of giving a very good sound. The 103 is a little more bass heavy but may be preferred according to your taste. The OC9 is als...