

Responses from stanwal

Will a good power cable replace the need for a PC?
As to power cords, they sound quite different to me but vary considerably with application and system; still a lot there not fully understood. Worth spending some money on or making up yourself but some of the prices are very high. 
Halide Design - MF X-DAC v3, vs Benchmark DAC?
There was a test of several DACs on both computer audio and CDs a couple of years ago in HIFICRITIC. The Benchmark was beaten fairly decisively by the MF V-DAC. I use one myself which I purchased after reading the review and have been very happy w... 
MM Cartridge or MC Cartridge
To get back to serious business; there are conflicting notions about what is "RIGHT" in audio. Some, including my esteemed sparing partner, think that all that is necessary to lift the scales from the eyes of the erring is for them to hear THEIR s... 
MM Cartridge or MC Cartridge
I doubt it; I just got the following message:No you won't Stan. You want no part of a physical confrontation. I'm in far better shape than you. You have no idea what you'd be getting into. Be that as it may, if you really want a shot at the title ... 
MM Cartridge or MC Cartridge
Nandric, I took your meaning to be that my conviction that cheaper MCs work well as arising from sour grapes that I could't afford expensive ones. The joke part arises from a glance at the absolutely indefensible amount of money I do have in equip... 
MM Cartridge or MC Cartridge
I have just received an email from you know who accusing me of personal cowardice. How interesting! Is this intended to make me jump on a plane and travel to the rock under which he resides? I had thought physical confrontation had gone out of sty... 
MM Cartridge or MC Cartridge
If the shoe fits wear it. A review of your posting history will reveal a farrago of insults directed at anyone who has disagreed with you, You would be funny if you were not so pathetic. 
Will a good power cable replace the need for a PC?
Until recently I agreed with Albert but have recently started using conditioners. I have dedicated lines, which are lines run directly to the outlet from the 'fuse' box and quality receptacles. I now use a Hydra 2 for my amp and a PS Audio Quintet... 
MM Cartridge or MC Cartridge
A persistent character type I have encountered in Audio over the years is the "Guru" who belittled EVERYTHING he was not associated with or anyone who dared disagree with him. This arises not from knowledge but fear; he [always he in my experience... 
MM Cartridge or MC Cartridge
Bill, what you are screams so loudly that it requires no more comment from me. Our mutual friend insists that you are really a nice guy and only play the part of a jerk on the forum. If that is so I commend the accuracy of your portrayal. I actual... 
MM Cartridge or MC Cartridge
I am about the same age as Bill and started around the same time and have been a dealer on and off for about 40 years. The big difference between us is that I know what I like and he knows what EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD LIKE. Some like MMs and some MCs... 
How can a 40 watt amp outshine a 140 watt amp
It is useless debating the quality of amps alone, they are only heard when they are driving speakers. On speakers that are easy to drive there is less difference, on hard to drive ones more. Don't spend money on things you can't hear; I hear diffe... 
quad 2805 vs magnepan 1.7
And I forgot to mention that my velvet Elvis makes the Mona Lisa look bad. 
quad 2805 vs magnepan 1.7
Sure they are; ROFL! No highs, no lows, must be a Bose. Bose has been a total fraud from day one, it is sad that anyone still takes them seriously. Their whole "reflected sound" gimmick is totally bogus. 
How do Dunlavys compared to new stuff?
Speaker cables do make a difference, Mapleshade are quite good and reasonably cheap; for DIY try something from Madisound or other suppliers of audio rather than electric gear; you will hear the difference.