

Responses from stanwal

Thin Walled Speakers -Tonian, Musical Affairs, etc
Coloration is not a good thing if your goal is to reproduce the music in its original form; thin wall and thick wall both intend to minimize coloration, they just use different methods to achieve it. But if you like coloration go for it; some like... 
B&W 808 about its sound
The Matrix 800 is REALLY big if I remember; there was one for sale on here in the last year. Just for a minute I was tempted to drive up to Chicago [if I remember] and get it. then I remembered that it wouldn't go in my room and weighs a bizillion... 
Has anyone actually bought a Zesto Phono preamp?
They make really good ice cream; I had a strawberry thick shake there today. So maybe their preamps are good too. 
Conrad Johnson Motif MC-7
Complete separation between the two channels. Everything else being equal dual mono should sound better as little or nothing is shared between channels. In the most extreme case each would have its own power cord. 
B&W 805D stands? Experience?
Try what you have first; it is cheaper. 
B&W 808 about its sound
Good grief yes. I heard a pair years ago. Make sure your room is large enough for it ; it is a big speaker. I think it was intended for recording studios; it was the top of the line then and considered very expensive. Needs a large amp for best so... 
B&W 805D stands? Experience?
I have a pair of older 805s on some Atacama stands that are very good and handsome to my eye but I am not sure they are still available. I think I put Atabits in them; this is steel rather than lead shot but similar. I have used Blutak but usually... 
If it uses a wall wart then you can upgrade it; look under regulated power supplies. 
Experience with Metrum Octave DAC
MIGs are Synergistic Research's vibration control devices. They are stainless steel hollow half spheres. They have a round side and a flat one and the combination you use can sound quite different. I have used a fair variety of different devices o... 
Experience with Metrum Octave DAC
I am using a Transparent Reference digital cable from my Meridian 200 transport; my only digital source are CDs. 
Experience with Metrum Octave DAC
MIGs are Synergistic Research's vibration control devices. They are stainless steel hollow half spheres. They have a round side and a flat one and the combination you use can sound quite different. I have used a fair variety of different devices o... 
Musical Fidelity V-DAC II
I didn't answer this as I don't use Ipad or Iphone but have been using a V-DAC 1 with Little Pinkie PS with very good results. Possibly the biggest bargain in audio, unless their matching phono stage is. 
Transparent or Nordost?
Get rid of that terrible Transparent stuff! I haven't done a good deed lately so I will take it off your hands for a nominal sum. LOL Don't let it go till they pry it out out of , well you know. 
Thin Walled Speakers -Tonian, Musical Affairs, etc
Light weight and less damping do not go together; the BBC "Thin Wall" design was based on designing a cabinet with a resonance at a less critical point and then damping that frequency. Not easy to do; requires skill in design and building. Can wor... 
Proper tracking force for the AT 150 MLX
A little heavy is better than a little light.