
Responses from sounds_real_audio

Sloped baffle
I think there is a lot of hype around this issue. A lot. If you have floor standing speakers and simply adjust the spikes so the front is slightly higher to accommodate your sitting position the you may have it. Is this just all a bunch of hype? A... 
Which high power SET
You might consider Japanese Triode. They have a nice TRX-M845 SE amplifiers. May be a little to much to spend to drive your Harbeths. 
$6000 budget question
There is a pair of Wilson Benesch Curves for sale. Cabinets made from Carbon Fiber ( none of that mdf crap ) plus minimum cross over so your quality amplifiers will be fed directly into the midrange and woofer. No " pseudo engineering here. 
Care to recommend a preamp?
I am selling a deHavilland Ultraverve 3. Should crush the competition. 
Meitner versus Playback designs
You might check out the Bricati M1 as well. A little less money and perhaps a lot more music. 
Fast forward 25 years, what will audio be like?
There will be a bunch of lonely old men, with tinnitus staring at a light bulb they think is a tube amplifier playing music. 
sound proof floor - practical examples?
I would go with monitor speakers and a sub woofer. At night you can lower the output of the sub. Keep it simple. Or you can pour 3" of light weight concrete over your existing flooring. Then you can go with monitor speakers and a sub woofer.Speaki... 
Best Sub pairing with Quad 2805s
Well you are correct. The Wilson Benesch Torus is stunning, the 18" diaphragm operates in push pull mode just like your speakers. I understand the Torus is pricey. I would suggest that you purchase a very moderately priced sub woofer and operate i... 
What's wrong with my almost new speakers?
So sorry guys. The Avon lady just knocked on the door, my wife was not here so I felt I had to purchase some lotion just on the off chance she would ever come back….anyway don't want to get into the details but the letter A ( A from Avon ) was on ... 
Mini-monitors $5,000 - $10,000
You are looking for stand mounted speakers I am guessing. How much room away from the rear wall and the side walls will these speakers be placed? 
What's wrong with my almost new speakers?
Hey give this guy a break…..he is selling those almost new speakers on avon…..don't interrupt this process or demean it…. 
What's wrong with my almost new speakers?
I have spent considerable time researching this problem, using all the resources at my disposal. The problem is the speakers you purchased 2 years ago sounded like S#&*# when you bought them unbeknownst to you……at the time.Now sell them on aud... 
845 Dilema
Your Aries 845's are really special amplifiers. Not sure that someone with other 845's would even be able to tell you how new and different tubes would sound in your mono blocks. I did have a customer who had the deHavilland IOS and had his tubes ... 
A speaker so loud it can kill you
Yeah just don't drive with loud music if you are black and live (if you call that living ) in Florida.. 
grills or no grills on your speakers..matters?
Grills muffle sound… most speakers would sound so much better with much more mufffffling….. Lets hear it for muffffffling…..