
Responses from soix

Is there a preamp w/ a built in 24/192 upsampling?
I believe the new TacT preamps(one preamp and one pre/pro) may also offer a 24/192 upsampling option, but I'm not 100% sure--just throwing out another potential option. Personally I think I'd look at some of the dCS gear first if I had the scratch... 
3-way under 1000 new.
You can bi-wire or shotgun bi-wire with 2-way speakers as well, as long as they offer two sets of binding posts, which many manufacturers do. If you want to tri-wire, that's a different story--then you'll obviously need a 3-way speaker. I'd still ... 
Sepakers -vr5's or something along the 4-7k range
If you really dig what the VR-4s do then the upgrade might be the best thing. Got to speak with some VonSchweikert folks at HE2002 and they said the VR-5 is more quick and agile while the VR-4 III has more bottom end--for whatever that's worth.But... 
3-way under 1000 new.
At your price point and with tube equipment you're really limiting yourself in terms of options by looking for a 3-way speaker. I find speakers to be the most personal of all audio equipment choices, so I'd say focus on finding the right speaker f... 
Best used 500 1m XLR interconnects
I don't think you can generalize and say silver cables are always brighter than copper, but I will say that every time I compared a copper and silver cable from the same manufacturer the silver cable was more detailed with slightly tighter bass.I ... 
Counterpoint Hybrid Amps: How do they sound?
I just heard about Aria(?) amps and was on their website the other day. Thought I read the designer was the original guy from Counterpoint, but I could be wrong. Was Counterpoint bought by Red Rose? Anyway, the website was som... 
preamp w/ cinema bypass / SSP loop for about 1k
If you're looking to inject a bit of tube warmth and fullness into your system the Rogue may be a good choice, and they offer great customer support. If you're looking for something that walks the line more between tubes/ss I'd look at Sonic Front... 
Upsampling the way to go? ?
Zaikesman--I certainly don't mind this point being prolonged because I think there are a lot of CD players and DACs out there that claim to upsample to 24/96 or 24/192 and really don't increase word length in the more strict and proper sense(whate... 
Pass x250, Talon Khoruses , what now ?
I've been using a Marsh P2000b(solid state), which is balanced and at a little over $1000 new is definitely an overachiever performance-wise. For a few hundred dollars more they offer a tubed version that may also be worth checking out, but the so... 
Upsampling the way to go? ?
Zaikesman--I'm not an engineer and I could be wrong, but upsampling is upsampling and is totally separate from increasing the word length, which I believe is done via an interpolation algorithm. I was told this by Rick Schultz at EVS who has desig... 
new speakers/used/demo- 4K- 6K
Given your preferences and room I think the Silverline Sonatas would be a very good choice. Large 3D soundstage, dynamic, transparent, deep and tuneful bass(but not overbearing), and nicely detailed without brightness(silk dome tweet). They also d... 
Pre-amp decision
If you're set on tubes and are looking to inject a little warmth into your system I'd say the Rogue is defitnitely worth looking into. If you're looking for a more neutral sound I think you may do better elsewhere.I've been playing with a Marsh P2... 
Upsampling the way to go? ?
The upsampling is only as good as the implementation. If the implementation isn't done with care the added circuitry can easily overwhelm any benefits of upsampling. Better to buy a well-executed non-upsampling DAC than a mediocre upsampling DAC. ... 
Cheap Sony SACD players: best STOCK/MODified
For anyone who may not have seen it--Ric Schultz at EVS( has done a nice little overview of what's possible with various CD, SACD, and Universal players. Go into the "What's New" section and work your way to the "Players" sectio... 
Modified McCormack DNA 0.5 vs. DNA 125
At a B-mod level I'd probably take the DNA-225 as Steve McCormack has said that for the most part he's incorporated that level of parts in the new amps, although my choice would change if I found a serious bargain on a DNA-1 Rev. B(same holds for ...