
Responses from soix

Best Bookshelf/Monitors Speakers? Suggestions
There are several Usher Be-718s (aka Tiny Dancer) available in your price range. They should satisfy you in terms of soundstaging and bass capabilities, and although they'd probably open up a bit more with more power I'd be surprised if you were u... 
Outdated CD player
I've never heard your CDP and it may indeed be a fantastic player, but it's been almost 20 years since you bought it and I think you owe it to yourself to at least audition a couple newer players in your system. If it still sounds OK after that th... 
Jitter reduction, best device?
Reducing jitter may clean up some of the edges, but I doubt it's going to turn a somewhat clinical sound into a meaningfully richer or more musical experience. I think you'd be better off looking for a DAC that sounds more musical to you rather th... 
Useful tweaks for Oppo 980/DTC 9.8 for MC-SACD
If you're looking at Oppo mods you might want to check out Ric's been modding these things for quite a while and is a pretty straight shooter. If you get to speak with him I'm sure you'll come away a little wiser. Best of luck. 
$600 +/- Bookshelfs w/ Holographic Soundstage
Nice metaphor, but I think it leaves out a crucial part. The size of the window is obviously important, but for holographic imaging I think it's probably even more important to have a clear window. What good is a beautiful park if you can't see it... 
$600 +/- Bookshelfs w/ Holographic Soundstage
I think you're on the right track. Sure you can put better electronics in front of them and the B&Ws will probably throw a better image than they do currently, but they will never image as well as the Proacs you heard.I had a similar watershed... 
"small profile" Center Channel
Heh Heh. Always get a giggle when the "B" word makes an appearance.Well, thinking outside the cube and since matching isn't a priority maybe a single Gallo A'Diva ball will be sufficient. Given its design and likely good dispersion charateristics ... 
Most resolving solid state amp you've ever heard?
"clearest sounding. most transparent. revealing. free of color."I think you've described Bryston amps to a tee (although I would add clean, fast, and tight). Exactly what the 2B-SST sounded like in my system, moreso than any other amp I've heard i... 
bryston bp-26 VS cambridge 840e
What are you looking for that you think the BP-26 is not providing?I've had the BP-6 in my system, which is identical to the BP-26 minus the balanced connections and separate power supply, and I found very little if anything to fault. I would thin... 
Bryston SST, McCormack DNA, or Parasound Halo?
Can't speak to the Halo amps, but if you're after a fuller, more robust sound with denser/more powerful images (relatively speaking that is) I'd lean toward the McCormack. If you prefer a quicker, lighter, clearer, and more airy 3-dimensional pres... 
Love my ipod, Hate my ear buds....
I was in your exact situation about 6 months ago. Couldn't keep those damn stock Apple 'phones in my ears more than 5 minutes before the pain outweighed the music, which itself added to the pain as the sound quality was awful (goes without saying)... 
McCormack DNA .5 and 1- big difference?
I would guess you could get a stock DNA-1 or a DNA-0.5 Rev. A for about the same price, so unless you really need that extra power I would think the considerable sonic improvements of the Rev. A mods would far outweigh the DNA-1 power advantage. B... 
High-Def TVs?
Some HDTVs do a much better job upscaling standard def pictures than others. Don't know which model(s) you were looking at, but my Panasonic 50" plasma does a pretty darn good job with a good standard def signal to the point that I don't mind watc... 
Good speakers for a low budget
Cleaneduphippy makes some very good points, and it's frustrating how many people look for advice here without giving a clue as to what they're looking for or what they already have. As a general rule I don't respond to posts that aren't more speci... 
Good speakers for a low budget
If you can find them used the Ascend Acoustics Sierra 1 would be a great choice -- great looks and superior sonics. Ditto the Epos M5, or you could get the ELS-3 new for about 400 bucks and obviously even less used.Noticed there's a new pair of Si...